8) An Abandoned Village

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It was a silent walk for a long while, Sana walked in the front of the group with Nayeon close behind her, merrily to keep her calm and it was obvious she wanted to be on her good side.
Not far behind them was Jihyo and Chaeyoung who were watching Jeongyeon the whole time as she slowly walked next to them. Chaeyoung was just amused, mainly because of the fight, she rooted for the strongest person which was Jeongyeon. After that she was more onto Jeongyeon's side.

Jihyo wanted to be fair and overall a journey that was calm and doesn't involve with people beating each other up. She was in between with Sana and Jeongyeon as Sana was sweet and wanting to help them.
Whereas Jeongyeon did change after the electricity incident, but she knew her very well and wasn't surprised she acted like this.

Of course, ever since what happened during the incident. The incident that made her friend go missing.

5 years ago - The Incident

It's been 4 days since the power went out, crowds of people stood outside of the Korea National Assembly Hall. Thousands received a letter by the name of 'The Outsiders', a group that was formed by a girl, Yoo Seungyeon, just a day after the Government stated they have no solution to the power out.

This did anger a lot of people, particularly the whole world. Now each country is going to rebel, each one of the citizen are going on strike. No one will know if they will be successful.

Now outside the Assembly Hall. There were already few police officers that were outside holding out shield, they knew that they were going to attack.
That means the rioters were ready to go.
Seungyeon stood on a stool, shouting as loud as she could towards the crowd.
"Today, we will not stand for the corruption of the Government. Today we will take our stance and make them fall!"

They responded with a roar, a roar that made some of the guards quiver.
Seungyeon looked at her sister who smiled at her. Before Jeongyeon could act back, someone tapped her shoulder.
"Momo?" Jeongyeon looked at her best friend.
"We have to go, it's not safe here." She panted.
"If we take down the Government then we'll be all safe."
"No, it can never be safe. We can only run away." Momo tugged Jeongyeon, but she stayed.

"Where are you going?" Jeongyeon asked.
"Come with me." But before Momo could pull Jeongyeon away, Seungyeon commanded everyone to charge, causing Momo's hand to slip away from Jeongyeon.
The crowd was moving fast and ever so the two best friends drifted apart from each other.
"Momo!" Jeongyeon called out, but she saw her and a few other people run the opposite way.

She never saw her again.

Jihyo stopped for a little while so she could let Jeongyeon catch up with her.
"Are you okay?" She asked as the sight from her frown showed how she felt.
"Sorry, I was just remembering something." Jeongyeon kept silent for a moment.
"Don't worry, I'll just silently walk next to you." Jihyo kept glancing over to her, maybe she would want to talk to her about her feelings.

"But if you want to talk about it, I'm here."
Jeongyeon sighed a couple of times before speaking, "Where could she have gone? Where could Momo have gone?"
Jihyo remembered and knew who she was talking about.
"She's probably dead." Jeongyeon said.
"No, you can't say that. I thought you believed in her."
"Maybe, probably..." Jeongyeon looked frustrated, "I don't know."

Jihyo put her hand on her shoulder.
"She's out there somewhere, if we find the Good Land we both can look for her."
The girl looked up with sad eyes and tried to smile. "Okay, that's part of the reason why I came."
"Really?" Jihyo's voice raised.
"Yes, maybe I could find a better place and find Momo."
The two of them kept talking.

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