23) Then There Were Nine

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They stayed in the settlement for another day, this time they actually had a proper feast with friendly conversations and few to be themselves now that the Outsiders were gone.
After this, they'll continue their journey to The Good Land.
Yes. The journey never ended, it was the plan that Jeongyeon came up with.

During their preparation, she switched out the real transmitter with a fake-looking one, it was just a piece of junk anyways.
Seungyeon left it in one of the tents and that's when Jeongyeon made the switch, it wasn't noticeable at first, but both objects were distinctly different.

Some say it was pure luck, but it was the trust and the leadership they all took. All thanks to Jeongyeon. Trusting someone who betrayed them was a big step especially to those who knew her very well.

They were given gifts for appreciation: wood sculptures, home-made decor and of course their lives.
With all these gifts none of which made Jeongyeon happy, she was thankful, but she felt empty.

"You don't seem that you're okay." Jihyo noticed and came up to her.
"No, I am..."
Her answer was clear she was not sincere, only merely to keep her emotions to herself.
"I know when you're lying."
Jeongyeon watched as Jihyo shook her head and then looking at her with a smile.
"I'm not a part of a group anymore." She said sorrowfully.
"No, you're a part of our group. Our family." Nayeon joined in and so did the others.

They all supported her, first she was outcasted and denounced by her sister. That what had to hurt her the most.

"But I betrayed you." Her eyes quivered, now shooting across at the 8 girls.
"But I've seen you change." Sana said and quickly the girls turned their heads. Jihyo smiled like a mother would do to a child. Jeongyeon felt something stuck her heart.

They all nodded even those who just met her, they all agreed in their own accord.
"I've missed how confident you were." Momo chuckled.
The girls separated to get ready to leave, Momo helped those who were packing whilst Nayeon and Jeongyeon stayed with each other doing absolutely nothing.

There was a built of guilt within Nayeon, not only she was wrong about Jeongyeon, but she felt that she had to apologise and comfort her in a way.
"I'm sorry." She blurted out as she felt that her conscience pushed the words out of her mouth.
"You are?"
"I'm sorry for you calling you a traitor. I was wrong and hurt." Nayeon swiftly graced over her words which were barely understandable, but Jeongyeon knew what she was saying.

"Aww." Jeongyeon cooed and smiled profusely,
"I'll only accept your apology if you go on a date with me."
The older girl gasped and violently pushed her away. She turned away, trying her shock into a smile. The fact that Jeongyeon was being playful for once that wasn't unbearable to listen.
Oh well—Nayeon accepted her offer.
"But don't expect me to fall for you."

With a more calm and collected conversation l, Jihyo and Sana were on their own. Jihyo, still with a motherly smile, came up to her.
"I thought you said people don't change."
Sana shrugged and spoke, "People change for the better or for the worse."
When everyone was packed, there was still one unanswered question that went through their minds.
Was Momo going to join them?
She's was welcoming to all of them and did not leave their side in the plan, but this was her home. They knew that.
Sana went through everything Momo had in the beginning of the change, but she had to move on from this world. She needed to change.

They were exiting the settlement when Jeongyeon stopped and turned towards her friend.
"I want to ask."
When Jeongyeon spoke, she spoke for everyone.
"Do you want to come with us?"

Momo's face went blank, she was confused.
"Why do you want me to come?" She asked.
"Because you've done so much for us. It's the only thing we can repay ." Dahyun said.
"But... we get it if you can't come. This is your place."
"You've helped us escape the Outsiders, I think that's enough."
Their hearts sank, it was a nice few days with her. Her braveness always stuck out, she took charge within the settlement even if they weren't there for the whole time, they could see it with the people around her especially Sana.

"But I'll come along until you've reached this Good Land."
Their eyes lit up, an ecstatic feeling grew inside of them.
"R-Really?!" Dahyun raised her voice.
"Yeah, I'll join."

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