12) The Bracelet

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Jihyo stumbled back and saw the girl eating her own skin. Her very own human skin. Though, she realised that boils and soars covered the poor girl's skin and even on her face. The blood spewed out like a water fountain and her eyes, ever so slowly, looked up at Jihyo.

Scared as she was she got up slowly and crept back as she never let her sight wonder off the girl.
"Jihyo, I think it's best for you to get out now." Sana whispered as they watched as their friend paralysed in fear.
However, it was already too late. The girl or what was left of a girl dashed straight for Jihyo and pinned her to the ground.
Jihyo almost managed to keep the grip loose as the girl tried to push her way through to Jihyo's flesh, almost trying to eat her alive.

"Jihyo!" Chaeyoung shouted and went to the door when in a nick of time, the guards saw this and rapidly ran to the cage having one guard tackle the girl and one having to save Jihyo.
They got out safely, but the guard inside was getting attacked and she sharply dipped her head forward into his shoulder. She bit him, she bit him very deeply.
Other guards came in and had to cover the girls mouth with a metal mask, whilst others had to escort the injured guard to the Emergency tent.

Everyone wasn't happy, especially they were strangers to the Outsider's Camp.
JB had to explain why they here in the first place, but had no excuse why they sneaked through a restricted area.
"Who do you have rights to come here and tamper with our stuff?" One of the settlers asked in anger.

The three girls were stuck and chuckled Acosta themselves. Until one person came in.
"Actually, I did." Jeongyeon stepped in and took of her mask.
"Who are you?" As soon as one said that, some soon realised who she was.
"Yoo Jeongyeon, Seungyeon's sister and assistant. These girls are with me." She spoke confidently.

"Miss Yoo, they sneaked into a restricted area."
"Yes, I was only testing your security and it worked good and bad." Jeongyeon winked at the girls.
JB stepped in as well, "We can all say that this was a test and as for me I have to attend to my patient."
The other settlers dispersed into their own doings and left the group which Nayeon and Dahyun rejoined and JB on their own.

"You didn't tell me you were Seungyeon's sister." He pointed at Jeongyeon who shrugged and smiled.
"What's going happen with him?" Dahyun asked, referring to the injured man who was attacked.
"He will recover, as for you girls, you should be careful."
They nodded.
"You can stay if you like."
Jihyo smiled but denied, "We're travelling to get somewhere important."

He nodded back, "Then I'll leave you on your way."
But there was something that was on each of their mind. What happened to her? She didn't look human. That chemical gas, was there a lab nearby?
They didn't want to ask since they were already causing too many troubles.
They left in an instant, they didn't want to leave JB, but they had to get away from the camp. They sense it was dangerous and knew if they stayed there they will not be treated well. Even if Jeongyeon was there, it would cause more havoc.

The Good Land was in their mind, that's what they were here for. To find this safe place to get away from this broken world, there they will hope to have everything back.
They would have electricity, clean water and food, the possibilities are endless.

They rested after a few hours of walking. Sana and Nayeon dropped their bags down on to the floor as each girl flopped onto the ground.
"We must be getting somewhere." Nayeon spoke.
Jihyo looked back at their transmitter, no signals or burst of impulses came to it.
"Nothing." She said.
"We can rest here." Jeongyeon suggested and stood up. "I'll find some sticks, we can make a fire."

Everyone sat in silence, most of them weren't doing anything, but one was most fidgety out of the 5.
"Are you okay, Dahyun?" Sana looked over to the pale girl who was rubbing her right arm.
"It's bugging me."
Chaeyoung saw and helped Dahyun to roll her right sleeve, checking if the wound was getting worse.
"It's a good thing JB gave us some bandage." Chaeyoung pointed at Nayeon who already knew what to give her.
A water bottle and a bandage.

As her right arm was exposed, Jihyo couldn't help, but to stare at her bracelet. Once again, she didn't tell anyone about the same bracelet she found in the river, may be it's time to ask what it really means.

"Dahyun." Jihyo said.
Dahyun looked up and smiled, "Yes? Uh..."
"Park Jihyo. That's Im Nayeon, Yoo Jeongyeon, Minatozaki Sana and Son Chaeyoung." Jihyo answered, they forgot to mention their names to her, it was silly of themselves to not introduce their names.

"Jihyo? Right?" Dahyun raised her voice slightly.
Jihyo nodded her head.
"What do you need?" The girl asked.
"That bracelet, where did you get that from?" Jihyo started.
"Oh... I was young, I remember getting it with my parents. Vaguely, I don't know where."

Jeongyeon came back with some sticks and branches in her hand and placed it onto the ground in the middle.
"Now we need a fire." She said.
Chaeyoung's smile grew instantly and shuffled forward, she grabbed two sticks and rub the two vigorously together.
"With enough friction, they will be set alight."

As everyone watch as Chaeyoung rubbed the sticks together, Jihyo moved next to Dahyun.
"Are sure that bracelet isn't important to you?"
"I mean, it may be, but I can't remember, sorry." Dahyun apologised.
"Just one more, that symbol have you seen it anywhere else?"

Dahyun paused and then she spoke.
"It's an infinity symbol, but I've seen it in the tents."
Jihyo looked at her, "What tent?"
"The tent back at that camp."
A lot of questions ran through Jihyo's mind.
How did it get there?
Why was it there?

It must not be coincidental since they arrived. That was the third time they've seen the the infinity symbol around South Korea.

"What did it say?" She asked.
"It said that the to follow the South road, it will send you to safety." Dahyun answered and went back to watch Chaeyoung who was still rubbing sticks together.
Jihyo took a moment and process what she heard.
South is where they have to go if they want to find the Good Land. Now the Good Land is real if signs and symbol point talk about it. It must have been left by the people who live there, trying to lead others.

The question is, why?

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