9) Horrific Finding

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Sana skipped down the stairs joyfully, rattling the keys in her hand and peeked out of the corner to see the others still trying to open it.
Chaeyoung watched as the girl happily going down the stairs, rolling her eyes in disgust, though she found it quite cute.

"Here's the key." Sana called and quickly threw the keys towards Jihyo, who caught it just in time.
"Where did you find this?" Nayeon asked.
"It was upstairs in one of the bedrooms."
They all watched as Jihyo inserted the key in the storage door and turned it clockwise before hearing a click.
She opened the door and pushed heavily as it was stiff and a bit rusted.

The first thing that hit them was the horrid smell, they squinted their faces and covered their noses. Some were almost about to regurgitate what they ate this morning.
Sure the smell was rancid, but Chaeyoung managed to find a box filled with packets of dried beans and packets of ramen. It was half full which was a relief since they've almost finished theirs.

Jeongyeon brought the box into the kitchen and placed it onto the counter.
"There's so many." Jihyo sighed in awe.
Sana went back up stairs to grab her bag, also followed by Nayeon who wanted to see the bedrooms.
"Should we keep going?" Jeongyeon asked whilst tipping all of the bars out.
"We should rest, it's getting dark anyways." Jihyo replied.

"Jeongyeon, let's take a room." Chaeyoung skipped up a few steps on the stairs, almost tripping on the last.
Jeongyeon took her time and step by step she gradually ascended to the top, Sana stood at the top, holding her bag and stared her down as Jeongyeon did the same.
They passed each other without saying anything, but they knew there was still tension between them. It could be worse than before.

When Jihyo passed Sana the dried beans and ramen to put them inside, she noticed that tension she felt back at the lake. She could still see water marks on her t-shirt and her hair was barely even dry.
Jihyo didn't want to say anything, but she figured that talking to her may get both, her and Jeongyeon to get along.

"You seem tense." Jihyo spoke.
"I feel fine." Sana furrowed her eyebrows.
"That's what they all they say."
"What's your point exactly?" She stopped what she was doing.
Jihyo cleared her throat, "I'm saying that you should give Jeongyeon another chance."
However, Sana rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath.

"I know that she's pushed you into a lake and also had a fight, but she's a sweet person." Jihyo tried to find some sense, her thoughts on Jeongyeon were true.
She was a sweet person, who suppressed her memories. In fact the whole group suppressed their memories, some more than other. The past 5 years were tough, every single person knew that.

"Jeongyeon is your friend, I know friends look out for each other. I'll find a time to forgive her, but not now." Sana finished packing into her bag and said goodnight to Jihyo as she went upstairs.
Jihyo went upstairs and opposite where Sana and Nayeon was she found Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung on the bed preferably sleeping.

She didn't want to wake them up, it had been a long day. Luckily there was another bedroom, only a single bed in the middle of the room, a bedside table was place in front of it. Like everything in the place, it was empty.
"A bed." Jihyo sighed.
Jihyo laid her head on the bed with a dusty pillow under.

"You're still awake."
Jihyo recognised the voice.
"I'm not that tired."
Nayeon closed the door, came and sat down next to her, her friend instantly knew something was wrong with her.
"What's wrong?" Jihyo asked in concern.
Nayeon leant forward, "That fight, it was all because of us. If we didn't steal from that warehouse, that wouldn't have happened."

Jihyo looked towards the door and back at her friend, "We can't tell them, it's too risky. They will be time to tell the truth."
Nayeon nodded and sighed, "I hope you're right... goodnight, Jihyo."
"Night, Nayeon."
The start of the next day came in a flash, Chaeyoung opened her eyes and stretched her back and arms in front of her as she was being careful of the person next to her.
She got up and checked outside the window, the sun glared through inside. She was always an outdoor person, nature calmed her.
"Just like everyday." She said, she walked downstairs and outside the restaurant.
Chaeyoung decided to walk around the village before the others wake up and set off again.

Outside was always her way to enjoy life, even if life itself is bad. It's a way that she can be one with nature. She walked around and saw a church in the distance, she wasn't religious even though she is Catholic.
Chaeyoung wasn't interested, but she prayed every night for the past 5 years.
Hoping, wishing for a better future and wanting to be reunited with her parents.
Of course that was impossible as she saw it.

As she was about to walk towards the church, she found something more horrific. Something that made her run to get the others.
It only took once glance.
"Oh... my... gosh." Chaeyoung shook her head and ran back to the restaurant as quickly as she could, going up he stairs into the room where Jihyo was.

"JIHYO!" She screamed making the girl jolt up.
"Ch...Chae?" In a groggy tone, Jihyo looked up.
"You have to get up!"
"W-What... wrong?" Jihyo tried to understand her.
Then others came in confused as they saw the short girl trying to pull Jihyo out.
"What's happening?" Sana yawned as they all looked at Chaeyoung who looked paler than usual.
"I found a body."

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