CreatureCraft AU

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I made this the au name and y'all can't stop it.

Anyway angst-y Convex backstories. Also like kinda trigger warning for batsh*t crazy town because small towns are wild.

Cub brought the books up further to cover jus eyes as he read the story, all around him people talked.

'It's a library be quiet.'

He was waiting for his best (-and only-) friend in this hell-holt of a town. A town where they despised creatures- oh no monsters as the called them.

It was a small town, very very isolated. Next to the sea which allowed some relief for the two.

Cub was wearing a baggy black hoodie with jeans and some beat up old trainers.

Cub felt a tap on his shoulder and glanced up to see a smiling Scar, wearing a brown jumper, thick scarf (covering his ears), some old ripped jeans and some boots.

'Hey Cub!' Scar signed as he slid into the seat opposite Cub. He shifted a tiny bit and moved his scarf up to cover his ears better.

"Hey Scar! How was getting over here?" Cub Lena's forward and glanced around suspiciously, nobody was looking at them but in small towns like this people were always listening.

'Good, didn't get stopped luckily by that weird dude. We heading to your house later?'

Cub (and technically Scar when he wasn't in his cove underwater) lived in a old mansion deep in the woods. He had to provide for himself and only used a few of the rooms. He had made a garden for everything he needed.

Except blood. The scent around him of all the humans made him sick slightly as he hadn't eaten in months and would likely need to go hunting one day. Or take Scars offer about trying Siren blood.

This server they loved on was a perma-death server. Many times the two had watched hybrid and other creatures be killed, burned at the stake as they learnt.

They didn't want that fate for themselves or each other. As far as they knew they hid it well enough.

"Yes we should get started on the homework." Cub nodded and Scar grinned as they both took out their homework.

•Later That Night•

"All I'm saying is that we should rub away Cub! Imagine us, two explorers and when we run into towns like that all we do is leave!" Scar jumped around the old furniture, wearing a old band top and shorts, fins on full display.

Cub sighed, he had ditched the hoodie and was know just in a white dress shirt he found a while ago.

"Where would we sleep? How about food? What go we run into, that group? There's two math ifs and buts." Cub replied logically and Scar purred before dropping next to him.

"But Cub! Soon we'll be adults and you know how badly that goes for us! We'll be KILLED!"

In a few moths the two will hit 18 and unfortunately that meant their less human sides will more than likely be found out. If that did happen the two would certainly be killed.

"I'm sorry Scar we can't-"

A loud bang and shouting near the door interrupted them and the two panicked. Loud yelling about demons and other worldly monsters filled the normally serine air.

"They've found us-" Scar was cut if by a man throwing open the door to the room the two were in and yelling about creatures.

Scar shrunk back and Cub did the same, hissing at them and showing off his fangs.

'We are not going to survive this'


They were going to die. It's been a nice run in their lives but guess they outran fate long enough.

The rope around his wrists were tight and honestly were starting to hurt.

Cub felt like this was not a way he wanted to go out, burned at a stake like all the other creatures in this stupid small town.

Next to him was Scar who was in a similar position. He looked calm as well as he glanced at Cub, then the crowd.

A man was yelling about something Cub didn't care about and set the gay around the two on fire.

'The fire doesn't kill. It's the smoke'

Scar visually slumped at the heat and Cub hissed at the added light.

Cub turned to look at Scar and smiled sadly at him. Scar did the same and shook his head.

"I thought you'd ask me to do my thing Y'know. Not just accept we will die like this." Scar looked around and Cub grinned.

"We've outran date long enough. Anyway, you hate doing it. O wouldn't want to make my best friend uncomfortable even if we would live."

Their heart to heart was cut of as Scar started coughing violently and Cub held his breath.

"GET AWAY FROM THOSE TWO!" A unfamiliar women's voice screamed and Cub heard screaming, he didn't care though as he held his breath and Scar slumped further.

He was getting weaker from the heat and inhaling the smoke.

But then the fire was gone suddenly and Cubs hands were realised from behind his back, he fell into a person and felt himself be helped down. He glanced up weakliy and saw someone with what seemed to be free skin helping Scar.

He looked up at the man who helped him, who was yelling but all he could hear was white noise and the world was blurry.

The man wore a ey helmwt with a purple visor and what seemed to be green armour.

"Hey please stay awake- SOMEONE HELP GET SHADE!" The words died out as Cub felt like he was on fire in the sun.

The sun burned brightly above them and Cub felt like he would die as he heard rubbing around him but the world went black.

I want to finish this but honestly I can't think of how.

I'd just want to say, with Season 6 ending I'll be slowly updates down a bit and castle on a Cloud might be having a short hiatus, maybe.

Anyway hope you all enjoyed.

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