Shippy Things

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Don't judge me I love shipping. DO NOT SHIP REAL PEOPLE THIS IS THE MINECRAFT PERSONAS! Ok on to the chapter! This is me rambling ok I'm sorry in advance.

I was using Pinterest for help with this and it froze send help-

- Grumbo!

- Grian is just a gremlin, Mumbo can't take his eyes to his smol bf for like two seconds before Grian is gone and there's an explosion in the distance.

- THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE! Mumbo as one of the tallest Hermits and then Grian as one of the shortest ones. Imagine the cute stuff!!

- During the prank war! Mumbo being the worst mole in history and Grian just there like 'I love but you are so bad at this'

- Just then bring all cute and stuff at meetings and Iskall just being like 'really? In front of my salad?' and he brought a salad to the meeting just for the meme.

- Grian would ask the strangest questions at night and Mumbo would tiredly wack him with a pillow before they cuddled.

- Mumbo keeping Grian on one of those child leashes will never not be funny to me.

- 'What happens when we die?' 'Grian, I kid you to bits but I swear to herobrine it is 3 am and if you don't shut up I'll kick you off the bed'


- At meetings just Cub sat in his usual seat with Scar draped across his lap and them acting like it's normal when they have enough chairs.

- Disney duets ALL THE TIME! Cub trying to act like a prince but they are both just giggling to much to focus and end up a laughing mess.

- They have had the least arguments out of every one on the server. Only one big one that led to them not talking to each other for three weeks. No one knows what happened.

- The Area 77 thing has made it harder to talk but Doc found them cleaning up the flowers together even though Scar kept sneezing. He helped them and wa happy the lovebirds were getting time to talk.

- Using to much of their VEX magic causes the one who over did it to become very weak and sick. To the point where light can causes major headaches. They just cuddle for a whole day in silence when one of them over do it.

- RenDoc!

- Two hybrids bois! Now how to deal with advanced senses.

- Ren gets startled by loud noises and hates the sound of fireworks. Doc worked together with Tango and Xisuma to create special ones that don't make lots of noise so Ren didn't get terrified.

- Doc having to take his arm off to do repairs and Ren just steals it and runs off with it.

- Civil war G-Team jokingly kidnapped Ren ('Because we need a hostage') it was all for fun but Doc jut Grian with lightning and they agreed on not taking hostages anymore.

I swear I had more but my mind is just gone right now but I'll do a part two when I remember what I wanted to write.

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