BNHA AU- Sports Festival

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Look, I just love the Bakugou vs Uraraka fight because it makes me cry. Here we go!

"NEXT UP! TANGO VS SCAR!" Pro-hero Sleep announced and Scar looked down. The fight would be in a few minutes after they clean the arena. Cub really went all out, or plus ultra as Grian would say, in his fight with Impulse who has in the hospital area for possible hypothermia.

'Well Fine Cub...' Scar thought and buried his face in his arms. He was against Tango, Tango! How would he beat him? One of the strongest members of Class 1A beside Cub or Grian.

"Need any help?" Scar looked up and saw Doc. Dark shadow was no where in sight, probably sulking after having acid thrown in their face.

"No it's fine." Doc raised his eyebrow at his friend and sat down at the table next to Scar.

"Come on Scar. You aren't very good at hiding your feelings. And anyone would be Ent void going against Tango." Doc said it so simply that Scar couldn't help but nod, the realises what Doc said.

Before he could say anything Grian and Joe enter the room. They sat down at the table and Scar slipped fo his UA jacket.

"Leaving it here?" Joe questioned and Scar nodded.

"For my plan I need as little that could get caught on fire or weigh me down as possible, or I could lose and I don't want that." Grian looked down then pulled out a notebook, it was slightly burned but seemed full. He started to give it to Scar but the hero-in-training refused.

"Thanks but I really need to do this myself." Scar stood up and gave them a thumbs up which Grian and Doc returned happily and Joe nodded smiling slightly.


Tango stood across from Scar and they both waved at each other. The sports festival was for pro-heroes to scout out potential heroes-in-training and offer them a internship.

As soon as the horn sounded Scar ran to the side as Tango flew forward quickly. His palms sparked and the area where Scar had been standing exploded, rubble falling to the ground.

Scar looped and weaved his way through the rubble, touching them as he went. Tango kept the chase up by exploding any area Scar went to.

"YOU CANT RUN FOREVER!" Tango yelled and blasted a explosion in the other face. Scar fell backwards but his plan was in motion as he pressed his hands together. He scrambled away from the falling debris and the edge of the arena. People yelled out at the sudden drop.

Tango raised his hands and a large explosion cleared the debris.

'Shoot, shoot, shoot-'

His plan has failed now Scar needed to get close, of he could just grab Tango and use his quirk then he had a chance at winning. But Tango knew.

Scar was blown back suddenly and fell to the ground. He tried to get up but his ankle hurt and so did his chest and everything just hurt and it felt like a blur. He could only hear a white noise and his head was swimming.

The blast was right into his chest as well so his chest felt like it was a on fire from the heat.

Tango looked at him sadly and gasped when Scar didn't get up. People yelled at the stunt and screamed at the harshness but Tango wasn't listening.

He ran forward and dropped to his friends level as he heard his classmates yell at TFC to help. Scar didn't respond to Tangos shaking.

A teacher appeared and put a comforting hand on Tangos shoulder.

"We'll take him to Recovery Girl he will be fine." The yelling was a blur to Tango.

He hadn't meant to go so hard.

~~POV Switch~~

Scar held the old phone in shaking hands. His parents hadn't managed to make it but his mum saw it on TV. They couldn't make it because their job and they couldn't afford one day off.

"H-hey dad!" Scar tried to smile but he felt like a failure. He had been taken out by one blast of Tangos quirk at nearly full power. And didn't even get a hit in. How would he become a pro?

Cub was heading to prepare for his first match and heard Scar talking on ye phone. He wanted to know what his friend was doing so stopped outside the door.

"-just want to help you as soon as possible... thanks dad." Scar finished the conversation and Cub moved silently on.

Mentally he reminded himself to talk to Scar later.

He walked past Tango and Impulse on the way and stopped in front of them.

"Tango." The two looked up and Impulse moved a tiny bit away from Tango yo let them have the talk.

Tango looked up and smiled a tiny bit but his eyes gave away how anxious he was.

"I look forward to our match, as Grian would say go plus ultra. Or I will freeze you like I did to Impulse. Oh glad to see you are ok Impulse." Cub walked away and as soon as he walked round the corner laughed.

The look those two had was priceless.


Was Cub so sure he'd win against Grian? The guy kept breaking his bones at the use of his quirk so, honestly, he was planning on winning.


Anyway hope you enjoyed bye!

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