A Demons Guide to Writing Death

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Who else is more qualified to talk Death then a Dream Demon? Don't judge me ok I'm tired.

- Kill them in the middle of a joke. Everyone's laughing and then their screaming as their happy-go-lucky friend collapses to the ground bleeding from the sword impaired in their chest.

- Make it slow and painful but they just can't call out. Have characters nearby but the dying one can't call out as much as they want.

- Have someone close to them do it. A close friend who no one would expect. Have them get away and the other friends vowing revenge.

- Show the after effects. How does everyone cope? Was this person a friend of everyone? Can people not cope without them? Do others try to keep a brace face but are breaking inside?

- Their family finding out. Siblings? Cousins? Parents? Especially if this person was very close with them.

- Right before their death show a side no one has seen before. Were they stoic and never showed emotions? Have them breaking down a crying their eyes out in fear and they bleed out.

- What is the cause? Was it fast and painless? Slow and painful? Was it oddly peaceful?

- Write through the characters eyes. Do they slowly lose consciousness? Or are the painfully aware of every tiny movement?

And the one I find most painful!

- Don't kill their body, kill their kind. Make them a shell of who they were before. Make them forget who they were and all their loved ones. Were they happy and bouncy? Make them timid and shy.

That was depressing.

Funny little fact about me, when I'm annoyed I puff out my cheeks.  Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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