Pain?! Ch. 40

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~Small triggerwarning~
This chapter may be a little "violent" so if you have virgin eyes, I apologise. I'm not going to go into hard core details, or try not to. It's not going to be horrible, I just wanted to say something so I don't get a comment saying "You're so mean, Author-chan!" Or "You should have warned me!" Honestly, it's not going to be as remotely bad as I'm setting it up as being... I want to say, Enjoy! But that's not appropriate for this chapter... So, instead... Thanks for reading?!

Y/n pov.

I lay in the cot, sending feelings and images back and forth between me and Rouge. He asks me if I know were I am and I say I didn't. He asks were I was last, I tell him about the Willow and ask him to get Sting and my guildmates to help. He quickly agrees and sends a feeling of comfort to me. I laugh and a tear rolls down my eye. I go to reply, but I hear the door creak open. Malcolm walks in with Cicero/ Lucien in tow. The pointed smile told me it was Cicero.
Malcom doesn't say a thing to me, instead he walks past and goes to the wall. He picks a couple of wicked looking blades as Cicero grabs towels and a bucket of ice. I press against the wall as Malcom sets his knifes on the table. He calmly approaches me and a growl rips through my throat. He scowls at me and harshly unlocks the cell door.
"You are nothing more than an animal. It would be human for me to dispose of you, right now. But instead... Let's discover a few things. I've always wanted to know what makes Dragon Slayers so special... Are your insides different for a normal humans?... What allows you to eat the sunlight? Shadow?"
He grabs my arm and pulls me to the operating table. He slams me down and Cicero had to help him get the leather straps around me. A sharp smack to my cheek stunned me for just enough time to tighten last one. Once I couldn't move, Malcolm rolled up his sleeves and Cicero handed him his bifocals. He sat them on his nose and picked up his knives, one by one, testing the sharpness. He chooses a smaller one, with vilently sarrated edges.
I open my mouth to protest but Cicero quickly stuffs it with a rag. I try and spit the rag out, but he tied it to my face. Malcom walks slowly to my feet and take off my shoes. One by one.
"Now... Why don't we start with your legs?... Wouldn't want you to be able to run away..."
He peels off my leggings and traces the waves scraped into my thigh. A manitic grin appears on his face.
"Ah, do you remember hurricane night? One of my favorites... You almost drowned didn't you? I made sure to cut that one deep to remind you..."
He takes his knife and scrapes it against the scar, retracting it with the blade. I feel it biting into my skin and I bite on the rag, canceling any noise that tried to escape my throat. Malcolm smiles at me and shakes his head.
"Now, now... Screaming is apart of the fun, Y/n. Next time, make sure to give me a good one next cut..."
He finds the flame scar and plunges the knife into my calf. I try to swallow my scream but a low whine escapes. Malcom nods slowly and yanks the knife, tricking the flame. My body spazes and my jaw clenches tight onto the rag.
After the fire night scar is reopened, he goes to the next and the next. All of the scars that accumulated after the years of training, all reopened. Sweat was beading down my body and bile was caught in my throat. Malcolm wipes the blood off the knife and sets it down on the table. I almost relax, until I see him grab a larger knife.
"Now... Since we just warned up, let's see how we take this. Clear your throat Y/n. Get ready for a nasty scream."
My shirt was long since discarded on the floor and Malcolm pressed the knife into my stomach. This time I let myself scream. I screamed for my friends, my family. Natsu. Sting. Gray. Erza. Happy. Tadashi. Gajeel. Lily. Gramps. Mira. The Legion... Laxus. Oh my God, I'm not even mad at him... I miss him, and I'm never going to be able to tell him. I'm never going to be able to see any of them...
Through my screams I hear Malcolm talking to me in a low voice. I can only make out a couple words.
"This is for.... Monster.... Lost necklace... Dragon demon..."
My eyes find their way to Cicero and instead I find Lucien, one hand halfway reaching out to me and the other covering his mouth in a silent scream. Through all my pain and agony, I send him a small smile, an attempt to comfort him. His eyes go wide and tears start to drop down them.
Malcolm takes this moment to plunge a new knife into my thigh, carving his name in bold cursive letters. After one final scream, he sets the knife down and wipes his hands clean.
"Clean her up, Cicero. Make sure she's ready for tonight. We're doing her back next."
He walks out without another word. Lucien quickly takes off the leather straps and I groan in pain. He murmers words of apologies as he dabs my stomach clean of blood. He takes his sewing kit and shows me the needle.
"I'm going to have to sew you up... Your stomach at least. It's going to hurt, but not as much as you just went through..."
My hands grab the sides of the table, bracing for the needle. Once it meets my skin, I hiss in pain. Lucien apologizes and quickly stitches me up. As he cleans my legs and stitches the rest of my scars, he tells me about Malcolm.
"He found your necklace. Has it hidden somewhere up stairs, I think. When he sent it away before, he didn't actually know where it was going. The spell he used was an accident. He meant to destroy it but the necklace itself teleported itself somewhere safe.... Why do you need the necklace so much anyway, Y/n?"
I flinch as he cleans my wounds. "My mother gave it to me, it helps me use my powers to their full potential. At the moment, my magic is half of what it should be. And a couple of days ago, it was a fourth of what it should be. Dragons soul lets me harness all of my power."
Lucien nods and smiles softly at me. "I know that I'm not someone you particularly like right now, Y/n, but I want us to be friends."
I smile at him and shake my head. "No, you're wrong, Lucien. Right now, you're the only one I trust. You are the one that  gave me blankets and pillows. You are the one stitching me up. When my friends come and rescue us, I'll make sure to get you a place in our guild. I can tell that you have the heart of a Fairy, Lucien. Can you feel it?"
His face breaks out into a smile and he nods at me. "Thanks a lot, Y/n. You don't know how much that means to me..."
His face falls and he turns away. "But I should be the one comforting you. You in so much pain right now: I can tell the herbs didn't work."
I shake my head and smile reassuringly. "They helped in the beginning. It's not your fault they wore off."
He nods and lifts me into his arms. I hiss in pain as he sets me down in my cot. I expect him to leave, but instead he sits on the end of the cot, turned towards me.
"How do you know your friends are coming?" He asks, pulling the blanket over me.
"I left a trail."
His eyebrows lift in surprise.
"I left a hair tie by the willow and while Cicero and I were walking, I left multiple hairs along the trail."
Lucien nods slowly but tilts his head, confused. "How will they notice the hairs?"
I tap my nose. "Some of my friends are Dragon Slayers. Natsu, Sting, Rouge, even Laxus, will be able to smell me out. I left Sting a note before I left and I sent Rouge a message."
Lucien visibly relaxes and runs his hands through his silky black hair.
"Tell me more about your friends. I think I remember Natsu and Laxus... Isn't Laxus the Grandmaster's grandson?"
I nod and start to tell him about all of my friends and guildmates. The more I talk about them,  more hope fills my body. But so does sadness and longing.
"How old are you Lucien? You don't look more than 13."
He nods and shrugs. "I'm turning 14 this year. I was only around 2 when you fist left the guild, but I can remember you leaving. My older brother user to read me everything about you, saying that your were the best of all the fairies, even if you were lost."
I laugh and bump him with my foot. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."
Lucien smiles softly and leans his back against the wall, shaking his head.
"Why would I do that?....I hope they come soon."
I smile and trace my scar on my jaw, thinking about my family.
"So do I, Lucien... So do I..."

A Fairy's Tail {Y/N X Various}Where stories live. Discover now