Grand Magic Games?! Ch. 26

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It's been two weeks since we came home from Sirius Island. Our return is the talk of the whole country... No... the whole continent. Of course, Weekly Sorcerer was quick to send a reporter. (The one who is obsessed with how cool Gajeel is...) Every one treats each day like a festival, making up for seven years of lost time. Laxus and I have been going steady. Things have been pretty calm... Until we learn of Saber Tooth...

Y/n pov.

"Saber Tooth?" Natsu asks.
"It's like a saber tooth tiger..." Someone explains, " They've surpassed Pegasus and Lamia to become the strongest guild in Fiore."
I shake my head in confusion.
"Never head of 'em." Gray and I say together.
"They didn't stand out so much seven years ago. They changed guild masters, and suddenly five incredibly strong wizards joined. That's how they got so strong."
"Only five wizards? Just five can chan-"
"Oh, ho! They got guts!" Natsu interups Lucy, grinning.
"What's our ranking as a guild these days?" Wendy asks quietly. I flinch and groan.
"I've already looked... You shouldn't have asked..."
People pipe up and look at her depressed.
"The worst."
"The lowest rank."
"Fiore's weakest guild."
Wendy apologizes for asking but Natsu climbs onto the table.
"Kaaah ha ha ha! That's great!! Sounds like fun!!!"
Gray looks at him, confused.
"It means we get to enjoy moving up the ladder all over again. I'm all fired up!" He explains.
"Oh, geez!"
"Big bro can't be beat!"
"That's true! Sounds like fun!"
I laugh and nod along with them. This will be interesting to say the least. This Saber Tooth guild.... They give me bad vibes...

A while later Natsu was dueling our other guild members... and losing.
"Nastu! You can't even beat Max!" I tease. Natsu starts to get mad.
"Fire Dragon's... Iron fist." Max blocks it with a sand wall.
"I'm not like I was seven years ago." Max says.
"I can't believe it! Max just..."
"Pushed Natsu back!"
"Maybe we can beat Natsu too?"
I laugh and look at Natsu. Their words set him off, he screams, "Thunder Fire Dragon Mode!"
You're kidding! Natsu charges him.
"Thunder Dragon's Roar!"
"Wait... What the heck...?" Max spits out. The blast hits him and he stumbles around. Ow... Laxus should not have given Natsu that power....
"Dammit! I can't pull out the power I did back then!"
I look at him in shock. "Since when can you do that whenever you want?"
"Since right now."
Max pulls himself up and raises a hand in surrender.
"A-all right, man. I give up. If I would have head on, I'd die!"
Natsu whips his head to the 3 'doubters'.
"Who's next?" He asks, glaring.
"He's really strong!!!"
"He's a monster!!!"
Natsu cackles evilly, then he collapses on to the ground, passed out.
"I knew it. He's used a huge amount of magic." Lucy says. Happy walks to Natsu and pokes his cheek.
"Natsu... You probably shouldn't use that in a real fight."
"But if he had that kind of power, then the guild wouldn't have let Ogre push them around." Carla adds.
"That may be true, but there is still money problems. Those can't be solved with power alone."
"Master and the others did solve it that way, though." Lucy says.
"Like hell we did! Pounded their asses into the ground!" I exclaim, pumping my arms.
"...That's true..." Max says, sweat-dropping.
"Still, we've got a bigger problem than I figured." A voice says.
I look and see Gray sitting on a rock.
"Gray!" Someone calls out.  He waves his hand in greeting.
"Leave aside guys who are already monsters like Gildarts, Laxus and Y/n, and the power we have at the moment hasn't kept pace with the time. "
"It's true... Here Natsu had a hard time with someone like Max."
"Yeah, that Max."
Happy crunches his face in concentration. "Hmmm... I wonder if there is some way we can raise our magical abilities in one big shot..."
Tadashi nods and looks at me for an answer. I shrug.
"When we were asleep, I feel like I was training. My magical abilities were boosted 7-fold. Can you feel it?"
Natsu picks himself up and looks at me. "Now that you say that, I definitely feel something different coming from you...."
He walks over to me and smells my hair. "You even smell different, N/n... You smell like you did when you were little... like dragon."
I nod. "When we were asleep I had a dream I saw my mom... Helia... I think that was her name. Ever since I woke up, I feel different. My eye sight is stronger. My hearing is phenomenal. I can smell you from a long way away..." I breathe, looking at everyone. "Also, I woke up and now I know new moves. I've never even heard of some of them. Mom didn't teach me them before, but some how she taught me now."
Natsu hugs me and whispers in my ear. "I know you're scared. It's going to be okay. This proves that our parents are still out there, some where."
I nod and smile, "You guys can go by yourself. I'm going to head back to the guild."
Natsu nods and turns to Dashi. "Ya coming with? Or did you get a crazy power up too?"
Dashi giggles and looks up at me. "Can I go, N/n?"
I nod and hug her close. "Of course! I can't keep you septated from Natsu. He's like your Da. And Happy is your little brother. Just come home tonight, so we can hangout."
Dashi nods and salutes me. "Aye, Sir! I'll be back before you know it. Gotta get stronger than Lily!"
They sprint off towards the woods and I smile, knowing that Dashi can do anything that, if not more, Lily can.

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