Ice Make! Ch. 7

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Y/n's pov.

I felt Laxus let go of me and sweat-dropped. Damn, I probably should have thought that through. My arms desperately reach out to grab something and I see the ground approaching faster. I close my eyes and brace for impact.
"Ice make slide!" Gray calls out, coming from nowhere.
My butt comes down hard on an ice slide. My body slides down the cold creation and I'm quickly at the bottom. I jump to my feet and look to find Laxus. I spot him leaning casually against the banister.
"Laxus! You dirty son of a, no good, dirt licken, booty scratchen, nose picken, people dropen.... Damn it, I ran out of things to say! But just wait until I get back, Mr. I'll woop your ass from here, all the way to the nearest planet and back!" He shrugs and sends me a smirk.
"Missed you too, Sparkles!" He calls out, "Can't wait for you to come back home then!" He turns on the heels of his feet and goes back off to find his tribe.
A smile forms on my face and I look around for my savior. When my eyes land on him, I break into song, "LET IT GO, LET IT GO. TURN AWAY AND SLAM THE DOOR. CAUSE HERE I STAND, IN THE LIGHT OF DAYYYY. LET THE STORM RAGE ONNNNN. THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY!"
He sweat-drops and finds his way over to me.
"I'm not even going to acknowledge the choice of song, and I'm going to ignore your singing." He tells me, as he checks to see if I'm injured.
"Wow, Elsa... I don't know what surprises me more, that fact that you got my reference or the fact that you don't like my singing. That really hurts ya know. I put time and effort into that preformance and I don't appreciate your harsh criticism." I tell him, looking around. "I'm okay though, where is the rest of the gang?"
"Natsu is going to get Lucy and Erza is already at the train station. Apparently she knew that you were going to choose a quest, so she decided to be there early. Dashi went home to grab some things." He tells me.

My ears perk up at the sound of Lucy's name. "How is Lucy anyway, as a mage? Is she any good?"
He shrugs and starts to head for the door, "She's okay, I guess. Her determination makes up for her skill, or lack there of. Why? Are you jealous or something?"
I stand there, shocked by his question. "Why would I be jealous of a perky blonde with huge boobs and a short skirt." I replied, running to catch up.
He laughs and looks me in the eyes, "She's got nothing on you, Y/N. Personality, skill and body wise."
We hold each other's gazes until his words sink in. His face instantly heats up and he starts to studder, " U-uh, I mean... Yo-You're way cooler that her and you're an OG. Basically the G.O.A.T." A smirk stretches across my mouth and I lean in closer.
"So you find me sexually attractive? That I'm the hottest thing you've ever laid eyes on?" I ask , watching the blush grow on his face.
"What?! I never said that!" He exclaims, defensively.
I straighten my posture and laugh, "It's okay, I'm just messing with you, Gray." He shakes off the interaction and we head to the train station.

~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~
~~Brought to you by~~
~Y/N's savage insults~

Damn, why are these benches so uncomfortable? It's like my ass in resting on a pile of gravel or something. I raise my head from its position on Gray's lap and look around for Natsu's hair.
"What's taking him so long? We need to leave soon. My ass feels like it's going to fall off!" I complain to Erza and Gray.

rza chuckles softly and starts to play with my feet, and Gray rolls his eyes and pokes me in the forehead.
"We've only been waiting for 15 minutes, Y/N. I'm sure you would rather have your ass fall off than have to ride the train, right?" He asks.
My eyes widen in realization and I try to swallow the lump forming in my throat.
"You know what? Maybe we should save questing for another day. Maybe we can make this spa day or something. You look like you need a good Mani Pedi, Gray."
"Today is a wonderful day for a quest. Wednesday can be spa day. " Erza tells me, taking my legs off her lap, raising from her seat, and starts to walk towards the entrance.
My head lifts up from Gray's lap and I see Natsu walking towards us with Lucy and our exceeds in tow. I get up from my spot and stretch my arms and legs.
"Jeez, flame brain. What took you so long? We waited for, like,  20 minutes. The train is leaving in less than 5. Have you bought your ticket yet?" I ask him.
He flashes a bright smile and waves the four tickets in the air.
"Yep, one for me, one for Lucy, one for Happy, and one for Tadashi."
I noticed that he avoided the first question, but I don't press any further. I hear the train coming in the distance and smell the nasty tang of coal and metal.
"Well, let's get this over with." I grumble, grabbing Dashi and stepping on to the tourcher device they call a train.

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