Beauty Pageant?! Ch. 8

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A.N.~Honestly, I couldn't tell you who would win. Personally, I love them all equally

Y/n pov.

Damn it, I hate trains... I clutch my stomach as the train approaches max speed. With my head laying on Erza's lap and my feet rested on the seats in front of us and Dashi asleep on my stomach, I should be pretty comfortable. But I'm not. I'm completely useless. It's taking all of me to not throw up.

"How long is the ride, anyway?" I call out to whoever is willing to answer.
"It should be another hour, Y/n." Gray responds, "Just try to sleep. It will go by faster then."
I glare, and try to raise my head in response, but the walls and my stomach, start to spin.
"I think we both know that would be impossible. Some fill me in on the quest. Give me all the details to waste all of this time." I sigh and close my eyes.
Gray scoots my feet over and sits beside them. I hear him get the quest from my bag and he starts to fill me in on everything.
When he is done, I sigh heavily. "Alright... So let me get this straight... I basically signed us all up for a beauty pageant." I peek one eye open and look for his response.
He nods and asks, "Did you not read the quest?"
"Do I look like someone who reads quests? All I did was look at the reward and the title. Who the hell calls a beauty pageant Devil's Diligence? What the hell am I supposed to do with it?... I just hope no one asks what quest we went on when we get back." Suddenly I start laughing, "I need to take loads of pictures. We all will get to dress up, it's gonna be fun. I can't wait to see you all!" 
Tadashi sits up from the crook of my neck. "Do we get to dress up too?" She asks, fluffing her fur.
I smile and look at her, "Dashi, unlike the trash around you, there is no need for you to get all dressed up and fancy. You're already beautiful, but we can dress you and Happy up too." She nods and does a victory dance.

Time skip
Brought to you by
The Power of

I stumble out of the train and collapse on the platform. Gray almost trips on me on his way out.
"Damnit, Y/n! Can't you wait until everyone is off before you pass out?!" Gray yells at me, kicking my thigh. I groan and flip to my back. I look at him and comptenplate flipping him the bird. "Help me up, you ass." I groan, reaching out for his hand.  He sighs and pulls me up. I look around and spot my exceed.
"Dashi, over here! Did you find my luggage?" I call out to her. She nods and starts to drag over my suitcase. 
"I can do it. You can ride on my shoulders, if you want." I tell her, grabbing the suit case from her paws. She nods and starts her way up to my shoulders.
"Giddy up! We've got places to be, Y/n!"
I laugh and run to meet up with the rest of the team. They were waiting at the exit, trying to wake up Natsu.
As I walk over to them, I call out, "Oh! Is Natsu asleep? Let's just leave him here and do the quest by ourselves. We don't need him anyway. We have Gray instead~." He springs up and shoots me a glare.
"Ice princess won't be any help at all, he is completely useless." Gray turns around and pushes him back.
"Why don't you say that to my face, flame breath!" Natsu's fist erupt and he pushes Gray against a wall.
"I just did, y-" I grab Natsu by the ear and pull him off Gray.
"You're such a dingus. I just said that for you to get up. We have to go, the quest starts soon." I tell him, releasing his ear.

Time skip
Brought to you by
Author-chan's laziness

I push open the doors and take in the room around me, stepping backwards and I almost trip over Erza's foot. "What's the matte- Oh my god, what did we sign up for...?"
I blink and pinch myself. There were people everywhere. Hundreds were seated and the participant line was huge. I push my way through the dense crown and find my way to the front of the line.
The person at the desk look up at me with a blank expression, "The end of the lines over there, Lady. Wait your turn."
I pull out my quest and hand it to him. "My team and I are to be participating. The quest says we can skip the sign up and we are to be escourted to our dressing rooms." I inform him, tapping on the table.

"Ah, yes. Let Alphonso take you to your rooms." He shouts, "Alphonso! Take these wizards to their dressing rooms. Tell the stylists that the fairies have arrived."
A big man, around the age of 50, greets us and leads us up a flight of stairs and to a set of rooms.
"The one on the left is for the lovely ladies and the one on the right is for the males. Any questions before I leave?" Alphonso asks, resting his hand on his hip.
"Actually, I do have a question for you. What are the rounds? Do you know the themes?"
He laughs and shakes his head. "Only the stylists know that, dear. You'll have to ask them." He replies, walking back to the lines.

I turn to meet the gazes of my fellow team mates. "Remember guys, we are a team. But for this quest only, it's mostly solo. If one of us win, then we get a 50% bonus reward. This is a friendly competition, so I don't want any fighting." I say, making eye contact with the boys. "Remember, have fun and try to enjoy yourselves!" I put my hand in the middle of our circle and wait for everyone to join me. "Fairy Tail on three... One... Two... Three...Fairy Tail! Let's do this!" I shout pushing the door open. I walk in hesitantly, taking in the room around me.

Dresses lined the walls, as well as swim suits and battle armor. I walk to the armor and run my hands along the twist and turns of the bronze chest plate.
"Ah, that one definitely belongs to you. The color almost perfectly matches your eyes."
I turn to meet the new voice behind me, a hint of a German accent. My eyes meet with an older woman with grey hair and violet eyes. I smile and offer my hand, "Hello, I'm Y/n. You must be the stylist."
She nods and takes my hand. "You can call me Julia. I'm going to start you off with a warning. I'm known for being a little air headed. Tell me if I'm hurting you, ja?" I smile and nod my head.

She explains to me the order of rounds and the point system we are graded on.
"The first round is called First Date, I'll dress you in a pair of black leggings with a nice golden sweater to complaint your eyes. These boots will do nicely and I'll put your hair in a rose bun... Let's go light on the makeup... You'll be carrying a satchel as a prop. The second round is called Beach day. For this round, you'll wear a classic white bikini. I'll put you in a pair of golden sandals and a floppy sun hat.... Maybe a pair of aviator sunglasses and I'll have your hair down and wavy. Let's go gold and brown on the eye makeup. Not too heavy though, just enough to compliment the outfit. I'll have you carry on stage a camera. You'll use this to pose and feel free to take pictures. Now the last round is called Final stance. This is where being a mage comes in real handy. In this round, I'll dress you up in the bronze armor you were eye balling earlier. Let's go fearce with the makeup. I'm talking sharp eyeliner and smoky eyes. Let's have a lose French braid. You'll have to preform a trick so thing of something flashy to surprise the judges. We need them to remember you, so the bigger the better. The armor is really light so you shouldn't sweat much. It's only a chest plate and a set of matching greaves and gauntlets. I think a nice pair of black leather boots will try of the whole look. You'll be graded at the end of each round. The max you can receive after each round is 100. There are 4 judges and their votes are worth 25 points." She stops and takes a breath.
She studies me and a smile spreads across her face. "You know what, Missy. I think we might win this year. There's actually a real big chance. Let's get started... We have 30 minutes until round 1!" She quickly sweeps me away to the nearest changing station.

Yay!!! 1547 words!

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