Extras part 2?!

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Welcome to part 2 of the extras!  As a reminder, just because Y/n is with these people in the extras, doesn't mean things will end up this way in the actual story. For this next extra, prepare for the most cheesey marriage proposals ever. Grab yourself some snacks and bundle up in a blanket. Pull on a sweatshirt and a pair of leggings/shorts, channel your inner Y/n! Enjoy! (Oh! And the background is FullMetal Alchemist btw. If you haven't seen Brotherhood then I definitely recommend it!) Also shout out to LunaticEclipsed for being so vocal about their support! It means a lot to me!


I walk into my apartment and toss my bag in the general direction of the hook that I normally hang it up on. I kick off my shoes and peel off my socks. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and throw myself onto the couch with a sigh. I grab the remote and flip to the discovery channel and close my eyes, listening to the smart words of some British guy. I hear a noise come from the bathroom and I open one of my eyes.
"Natsu? Are you home?" I call out, grabbing my phone and checking the time.
I see his pink head poke around the corner, and his face was priceless. He stood there, shocked. His mouth plopped open and he blinks at me a couple times.
"Y/n? Why are you home early? You were supposed to get back tonight."
I smile at him and shrug. "It was a surprise. Surprise!"
He relaxes a little bit and shuffles to me. "Stay there, let me get you something to eat and drink."
I watch him scavenge for chips and my favorite drink as I narrow my eyes, suspicious.
"Natsu. Are you up to something? You seem a little on edge."
He hands me the chips and a cup, smiling guilty. "What are you talking about? I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be back."
I watch him shuffle to the bathroom and shrug, turning back to the TV.
A couple of minutes later, I hear Natsu talking to himself. I laugh quietly and slowly gt up from the couch. I creep over to the door so I can hear him.
"Come on, Natsu! You can do it. She's not going to..." I hear him whispering to himself. "She can't say no... She hinted at it so many times before, why are you scared now?..."
I hear him start to bounce up and down, pumping himself up. "Come on! You got this! Yeah, I got this! I'm all fired up!"
I hear him flush the toilet, acting like he was actually using the bathroom and I dash back to the couch.
I quickly put myself into a casual position and wait for him to come back out. After about a minute, he walks from around the corner and sees me grinning at him. He blushes and shoves his hands in his pockets.
"What is that look for?"
I grin even larger as he sits next to me. I watch him in silence as he fumbles around with a small box in his pocket. I raise an eyebrow at him and he blushes even deeper.
"Sooo... How has your day been?"
I groan and he smiles, slyly. "Are you going to stretch this out or pop the question already." I ask, taking his hand.
He smiles at me guilty. He slide off the couch onto his knee and I stand up. He looks up at me and his face cools down to a light pink. I smile encouragingly and he returns it.
"Y/n... I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Actually scratch that, I want you for longer than that. I want to be at your side. Through the thick and thin."
I blush as he kisses my hand.
"Will you be my wife, Y/n? And allow me to be your husband?"
I try not to laugh at him and nod my head excitedly. "Yes, of course. What took you so long to ask? You already told me you had the ring."
I help him back to his feet and he janks me into his arms.
"I was scared." He whispers into my ear.
I laugh softly and kiss his cheek. "What were you scared of?"
His black eyes meet my golden ones and he looks at me seriously. "I am afraid I'm not good enough."
I pull him closer and he tucks his head into my neck. "Well, you'll keep asking that our whole lives."
He chuckles and I smile.
"But, guess what? I said yes, and that's all that should matter. I know you are more than enough and you have to know you are enough too."
He flashes his signature smile and pulls me onto the sofa in his lap. He pulls the blankets over us and we both were down to watch the documentary in each other's arms.

A Fairy's Tail {Y/N X Various}Where stories live. Discover now