Chapter 44: Awakened Part 2

Start bij het begin

Emerald then uses her Semblance to make 10 images of Mercury surrounding her.

Y/N: Tch...

She speeds towards the real Mercury and slams him on the ground and breaks one of his prosthetic legs with a strong punch.

Y/N: Have fun walking now...

She continues on her path as Emerald grabs her arm.

Emerald: No!

(Change the sclera to Black)

Emerald then lets go getting pale with her showing the expression of pure terror

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Emerald then lets go getting pale with her showing the expression of pure terror.

She then heads down the elevator.

Y/N Pov:

I head down the elevator to the chamber to see Raven and Cinder staring at each other with their maiden powers activated.

Raven: Y/N?

Cinder: You? But I killed you!

Y/N: Like you could kill me.

I walk towards them and get in front of Raven.

Y/N: Let me fight her.

Raven: But-

Y/N: I'm not gonna ask again.

I let Black Ice Spikes with a Violet tip. erupt from my back and crack one of my fingers to direct them towards Cinder.

 erupt from my back and crack one of my fingers to direct them towards Cinder

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Y/N: This is personal.

Cinder: So a little girl wants to fight me?

Y/N: Fight you? No...

Y/N: I'm here to kill you.

I then call the clone with Blake as a sphere of energy and absorb it.

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