Chapter 43: Shattered Part 1

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Raven then draws her sword as Qrow uses Harbinger to lock blades with her.

Qrow: Running away was one thing, but this... you've crossed the line!

Raven: Sorry, brother. Sometimes family disappoints you like that.

Qrow: We're not family anymore.

Raven: Were we ever?

Qrow: I thought so, but I guess I was wrong.

The two then proceed with their fight, while Vernal confronts Weiss.

Vernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means.

Weiss: I'm more than a name.

Vernal: Hm, prove it.

I try to head over to Jaune but Hazel blocks me.

Hazel: I can't let you past.

Y/N: Tch.

Ren, Nora and Oscar then join up with me.

Hazel: I don't wish to fight either of you

Ren: Nor I you.

Nora: But we will if you're with her!

Hazel: (cracking his neck and knuckles) Very well, then.

I start to fight by taking out Yukiharu and going to slash him as he blocks it with his skin.

Y/N: (He's tough!)

I land a quick kick on his stomach and back away as Nora tries to hit him with her hammer as he grabs it and throws her at Ren.

Y/N: Tch.

I let out more aura and rush him with slashes but he grabs Yukiharu and breaks it.

Y/N: Bastard...

I switch to Empress Sword and land two slashes across his chest.

Hazel: Tch.

I then sense Cinder igniting her sword in flames as Jaune gets ready to clash.

Ruby: No!!!

Ruby eyes glow in a flash of light only for Emerald to knock her out.

Cinder then holds her arm in pain.

Jaune tries to use the opportunity to hit her but he chips her mask on her left side.

Cinder then activates her maiden powers and steps on top of Jaune.

Cinder: Did you think you actually had a chance against me?! You?!!

Jaune struggles to reach for his weapon while Cinder calms herself and deactivates her Maiden power.

Cinder: You're just a failure with a death wish.

Jaune: (struggling) If I die buying them time, then it's worth it. They're the ones that matter.

Cinder then grows an evil smile.

Cinder: Is that so?

I sense her intentions aimed at Weiss.

Y/N: No!

I punch Hazel away and run to Weiss at full speed.

Y/N: Weiss!

I run in front of Weiss as Cinder throws a spear at me going clean through my stomach as it fades.

Y/N: D-Damn it.

I collapse as everything goes dark.

Jaune Pov:

Jaune: No!

Remnant's Black Snow Hope [Under Revisions]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن