Chapter 43: Shattered Part 1

Start from the beginning

Raven: You sound just like your mother.

She then makes a portal as a fireball is launched at Ruby but I make an Ice barrier to block it.

Cinder then walks out the portal.

Cinder: Still annoying as ever.

As she glares at me.

Mercury and Emerald then walk out.

Mercury: C'mon guys, is that any way to greet your old friends?

Y/N: Tch.

Qrow: Everybody, stay calm.

Suddenly the door swings open with man walking in.

Oscar: Hazel...

Hazel: The White Fang is prepping demolition and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in, and no one's getting out.

Weiss: This was all just a trap?

Ren: It appears so...

Cinder: (mocking) Aww, don't take it personally, little bird.

Cinder: Your sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand... Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, Leonardo's been sending Salem all sorts of information for a very, very long time.

Cinder: Isn't that right, professor?

Lionheart: (shamefully) Stop it...

Qrow:  It was you... you sit on the Mistral Council. You had information on every Huntsman and Huntress in the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her?

Lionheart: I-

Qrow: couldn't find any of them, because you let her kill them!

Cinder: Aw now, don't beat yourself up about it, Lionheart, I'm sure Tyrian and Hazel would've found them on their own eventually.

Jaune: What is wrong with you...? (seething) How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!

Nora: Jaune...

Jaune: (enragedAll with that damn smile on your face!! (tears stream from his eyes)

Everybody draws their weapons.

Qrow: Everybody, stay calm!

Y/N: We are way past staying calm.

Jaune: I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!! Do you hear me?!

Qrow: Kid!

Jaune: Well?! SAY SOMETHING!!

Cinder: Who are you again?

This sent Jaune over the edge as he changes Crocea Mars to it's Great Sword and charges at Cinder.

Ruby: Jaune!

She leaps into the air, but a chain wraps around her and she is pulled to the ground by Emerald.

Emerald: You're not getting near her.

Jaune is then pushed back by Cinder and the two begin their duel. Yang runs forward to join the fight, but Mercury lands in front of her.

Mercury: Hey there, Blondie. I'm thinking you owe me an apology for my leg, don't ya think?

Raven: (to Vernal) Take out the heiress. Don't bother wasting your power, she's not worth it.

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