I really didnt think of it like that and that's when it registered in.

"Litsen nothing is going to happen to me or us.
Go take a change of clothes and come sleep I have something to show you in morning" I said rubbing her back.

Nodding her head without another word she went to my closet and changed.

After assuring me that she indeed clocked the front door she came in bed and even though full silence surfaced us none of us slept.

I couldn't and neither could she.

Two hours into it.
It was already five and I was getting tired of staying in the bed.

I decided to get up and do my morning routine slower this time.
I took my time to shower.
Took my time to brush my teeth
Took my time choosing clothes and took my time making breakfast for two.

When I went to check on her I found her asleep and a smile crept on my face

Atleast she was resting.

Setting the breakfast in the microwave I left a note on the fridge telling her where her breakfast was and took the keys and left.

Before I could start the car I remembered the file and this time I knew that I couldnt forget it.

I switched off the engine then jogged back inside the house as fast as these heels could take me because goodness help me if I get hit by traffic I'll be officially late for the fifth day in a row.

Ain't no body wanting tardiness.

Retrieving the file from where I had hidden it I went back inside the car and drove away.

Shaking off the feeling that there was someone watching me I continued driving.

Who could be watching me when I'm even in the car.

I released a breath when I reached there with ten minutes to spare.
That was good it meant that I had a few minutes to show lucas this file.

Tucking it in my laptop bag I made sure my make up looked good and came out of the car.

Looking around I could feel the tension from where I standing and like last time I shook it off.
Probably nothing serious.

Like usual it was quiet but this time it felt creepy.

Looking at my phone I saw that I had a missed call and goodness the same damn private number that stopped calling me just before my friends got killed called me again.

This was starting to creep me out.

Unlocking my phone in the elevator I peeped at the camera in the corner and switched my phone off.
No need for anyone to spy on me.

When I came out of the elevator and entered my office I switched it on again and this time dealed Lucas' number.

He picked up right after the first ring.
That was fast.

"Look there is a reason I called you on your private number.
So tell me where the fuck are you?" I asked a little bit harshly.

He didnt even seem bothered.
He answered 'office' then cut the call.

Releasing a shaky breath I shook my head then took my laptop bag and started the journey to his office

I didnt even knock and what felt strange was that Liza was not at her usual spot and to be honest it was five minutes before time but she was usually there.

Maybe she decided to go have something to drink in the morning.

I shrugged it off.

His brother was there again.
What was the matter this time.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now