Chapter 29 Come Back

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"It's not Tony...Please tell me Bruce was lying." Steve said looking at me and fuck...Bruce what did you tell him? "Did he touch you?" Steve asked and I shuddered. "Fuck," Steve said.

"Language." I chided and Steve snorted.

"You cuss like a sailor," Steve said.

"You're are fucking right about that, ass hat," I said and Steve laughed and it was quiet for a while as Steve looked at our hands.

"Are...Are you ok?" Steve asked looking at me.

"Well...I mean...Is anyone really ok?" I asked.

"Don't do that...I'm serious," Steve said.

"Hi, serious I'm dad." I said and Steve laughed.

"Walked right into, that," Steve said. "I can't get over that you're a dad," He added.

"I'm a great dad," I said.

"I know you are," Steve said and I looked at him stunned. "What? You've always had a softness with kids and you're so sweet with them." Steve said.

"," I said and Steve snorted.

"Do those three treat you good?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Good," Steve said and I looked at him worriedly.

"Have you talked to anyone?" I asked.

"I met Jay...He's sassy." Steve said making me laugh. "Your son fangirls over me," Steve added.

"How dare he? He should only fangirl over his dad." I said and Steve smiled.

"I really missed you," Steve said and I frowned.

"Steve...Do you really mean it? That you're ok with this and us not being..." I trailed off and he swallowed looking me in the eyes.

"You read the words I gave you..." Steve said lifting our hands.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Stop apologizing, shell head. I love you but not romantically...You're like a brother...A sassy annoying little brother." Steve said and I glared at him as he let go of my hand.

"Ok gramps," I said and Steve laughed.

"You should go and rest..." Steve said and I nodded.

"Yeah...I'll talk to you later," I said and Steve smiled.

"Yeah." He said.

Steve's Pov:

"Stop apologizing, shell head. I love you but not romantically...You're like a brother...A sassy annoying little brother." I lied and he glared at me as I let go of his hand missing the comfort immediately.

"Ok gramps," Tony said and I force a laugh.

"You should go and rest..." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah...I'll talk to you later," He said and I smiled.

"Yeah," I said and watched him vanish. "Thank you," I whispered into the air...I really did miss him and I was so scared he'd get hurt.


"Bastards!" I snapped as I looked at the perfect copy of me.

"You know what to do?" A hydra agent asked and the copy smiled.

"Infiltrate...Kill." He said and the next thing I knew I was alone...Oh god, Tony...He better not hurt him. I touched my chest where Tony's words were...He never got to see them. I never got to show him...Please be ok...Days passed when I felt burning. I frowned...My words are burning...Oh god?! Tony!? It stopped after a while and I struggled but still couldn't get free...Is he dead? I felt an ache in my wings...He can't be...Right? Soon I lost track of time and lost all my will to fight when they brought in my copy...Is it dead? Is Tony ok!?

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