Will Byers ~ 012 (part 2)

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Lights were blurring my vision as I watched the beautiful scene unfold before me..we waited in the streaming rain watching the two siblings hug and sob on each other's shoulders. 

012 darted me a tearful smile as I saw her scanning my dripping appearance... She pulled away from her long lost sister as 011 went to get dry towels from the van...

Joyce was hurriedly packing everything into the boot to make room for 012 in the car... The girl ran up to me and hugged my damp torso and gave me a short kiss on the cheek... I blushed a little from the embrace as she pulled away...

Joyce ran in and whisked her away bundling her in endless blankets and towels. I smiled at my mother and then stumbled back to my car seat like a drunkard, giddy from the adrenaline in my bloodstream from the innocent, fleeting cheek kiss...

 I was daydreaming seriously.

012 clambered in next to me and beamed at me , I returned the gesture as we set off. I was exhausted from the long car journey so far but then reassured myself as I saw the beautiful girl next to me dozing off with a few strands of her silky hair across her face.

I was deep in my thoughts as I started closing my eyelids as I listened to the car radio blaring, felt the crisp summer's wind flaying across my cheeks as the warm body next to me slumped onto my chest stirring slightly from the cool breeze coming in through the window... I grinned and then started falling into the deep void of dreams feeling content.

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