Help. ~Will Byers

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Pain was all i was feeling..


Begging it to stop..

But it won't ..


But not complaining.

I needed Help..

Just a little comfort..

A taste of love..

A bit to just tell my heart to hold on..

To stop from giving up..

Lights flooding my blurry vision..

People go by..

Usual routine for me..

Hospital anaesthetic..

Feeling numb but the pain not enduring..

Teary eyed visitors.

Same as when i was 12 ..

constant beeping of the bpm machine

Medicine being injected into my blood stream..

Crazy.. I was crazy people say

They don't understand..

All i need is help  from my favourite person..

The girl of my dreams..

The one with the soft hands ..

that wipes away my tears..

The feeling of her soft lips brushing against mine.

The one that holds my hand at night..

Y/n was  the one..

The one that helped..

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