Start from the beginning

I wanted to look away, but I couldn't bring myself to. This was all my doing. I had done this to this girl, just because she bad-mouthed the people I love.

But then again, how many times have I bad mouthed the people somebody else loved? How was I any different? How would I have beared with it, if someone had burnt me the same way?

That moment, I came with one conclusion. She didn't deserve it. Nam Sarang didn't deserve it. I went too far.

Way too far.

"I'm sorry." I finally said, regaining my voice. "I'm so sorry I did this to you. I will do everything I can to fix it." So saying, I raised my hands and placed it on Sarang's forehead.

"Please work." I whispered to myself as my palms begin sweating out of nervousness. If this didn't work, I might never be able to forgive myself.

First, I should fix her face. Taking in a deep breath, I let it go slowly, as I felt my hand start to heat. Is it because my hands were too close with her burnt forehead, or was it really working? I didn't know.

What I knew was that when I opened my eyes, the meaty red colour was gone, replaced with a pale white skin and chapped lips and a few scars here and there. It more looked like Sarang was suffering from a virus than being burnt.

I sighed in relief. It did work. It finally worked. Thank goodness.

Next, I moved my hand to her chest, confident now that it will work. Before I closed my eyes I searched around the surroundings.

Her heart rate was slow, barely present. She was in life support, which meant there was I high chance she wouldn't come back. It was clear, Sarang was struggling and suffering a lot.

"Its alright. You will be fine soon. You will stop suffering soon. Don't worry."

Finally closing my eyes, I let my mind drift on trying my best to concentrate physically on the body in front of me.

Just then, the same tingling sensation appeared on the tip of my fingers. Just when I thought it was working, a new wave of pain coursed through my head.

"Augghh!" I screeched, trying to hold my head with my other hand. I couldn't loose control now. No I couldn't. If I did I might end up killing Sarang once and for all. I couldn't. I had to pull myself together.

I sucked in a deep breath and held it in, until the process was complete. The next time I opened my eyes, Sarang was breathing normal, her vitals were back and yes, a near by nurse had noticed the sudden change.

"Sir! Sir! We have a change!" Just then, the Doc in charge burst in as if he was standing out there this whole time, and rushed towards Sarang's bed. He checked her pulse, checked her heart rate, and then ordered to switch off the life support.

I did not let go of the breath I was holding. I had to know it really worked.

Once removed, Sarang was still fine, breathing steadily. The doctor's and nurses sighed in relief and smiled. I, however sunk to the floor, my butt hitting the hard ground. Finally, I let go of my breath.

It worked. It did. But my head still ached, no matter how much I tried to steady myself. My muscles ached the same way, as if I had just pushed a collapsing building. My arms and legs felt numb, my throat raspy as if I hadn't had water to drink for a year. I guess I didn't. But never had I felt this tired since I died. Just what exactly was happening to me?

Nonetheless, I picked myself up, took one last look at the peaceful sleeping figure of Sarang and walked away in satisfaction and exhaustion. Exhaustion because of how tired I was. And satisfaction because I was glad I had saved a life.

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