I miss you (Bill Cipher x reader)

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Plot: He wanted revenge on the Pines Twins. All you wanted was a friend.

As a child, I was always lonely. I lived in a place called Gravity Falls, and although everyone there was deemed 'weird', for some reason I was always outcasted by my peers. Why? I had no idea. I often spent a lot of time at home either reading one of the latest installments of f/b/s or doodling.

Once I was 10, my parents said I was old enough to go out and explore the town. That's when I began to frequently walk into the woods since it was more tranquil than staying at home. I loved being able to quietly amble around the forest, gazing upon the scenery of animals and plants living in harmony. It was almost like my own Wonderland to escape to when I needed to reflect upon my life and the choices that I have made or when I just needed to simply escape from my bullies.

Little did I know that I was being watched from within the birch trees by a demon that would soon change my life.

Bill's POV

I chuckled as I watched the girl walk through the forest, knowing that today was the day. I had finally found the perfect person to make a deal with. I had found someone who was young and naive enough to make a deal with me.

The girl noticed the time and headed back to her house, where I waited to confront her in her dreams...

Y/n's POV

It was around 10:12 and I was getting tired so I decided to go to bed. As I laid my head on one of my pillows, I had the strange suspicion of someone watching me, but I shrugged it off and figured it was just my imagination.

As I entered the realm of my dreams, I noticed something very peculiar. My surroundings were painted various shades of grey and above me was a large Dorito looking creature with an eye and top hat and cane to match.

"Hey, I'm not a Dorito!" The-whatever it was-exclaimed. I stared up confused. I couldn't tell if this was a figment of my imagination or...

"The name's Bill Cipher, kid and I'm to help you!" He stuck out his hand and I reluctantly took it.

"And no I am not apart of your imagination, I am a dream demon."

"A demon..." I mumbled.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill ya, I just want to make a deal!" He replied with a little twirl of his cane.

I tilted my head and tried to understand. "A deal...?" Bill sighed and muttered something under his breath. He got closer to my face and emitted a menacing tone.

"You are quite the inquisitive one aren't you, N/n? Anyways, here's the deal so listen up: I know that you are often lonely and bullied at school but I can make that  change. I can make you the most popular person in the world but in return, you need to help me understand what it's like to be human."

I contemplated the idea, and the thought of being the most popular person in Gravity Falls, or even the whole world was a scary image. I mean, I was only 10 and it's not like there was something special about me. 

"Come on kid, tick tock," Bill's hand was out reached and pulsating blue flames, almost teasing me. It was evil when Eve took a bite of the apple from the tree of knowledge but if I am able to help someone else it couldn't hurt, right? 

"I'll make the deal with you on one condition," I began, "I don't want to be popular because I know that it will just go over my head and make me a bad person, so instead can you just become my friend?" I averted my eyes upward, somewhat expecting the triangle to get angry. However, his face expressed shock, confusion and maybe even curiosity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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