Aphordite (Dipper Pines x reader)

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This is what happens when you still have a crush on a cartoon character...

If there was one word that described Gravity Falls, it would be queer. I mean, what do you expect from a little town that most regular people pass off as 'unreal'. During the first few weeks of your short term stay in Gravity Falls, you'd swear that you were living in a fantasy book, the ones that you would often read when you had nothing better to do. There were gnomes that wanted to take you as their bride, weird goblins, people who made out with their hand puppets and Tad Strange, who was strangely ordinary, just to name a few things. And yet if you had to pick the most peculiar event that had occurred so far, it would undoubtedly be the attraction you felt towards a certain boy named Dipper Pines.

It all started when you were wandering around town since your parents thought it would be a good idea for you to 'get to know the people'. After a few hours, you had stumbled upon an old looking house that was titled 'The Mystery Shack'. It seemed to be in the middle of the forest and yet despite the decaying look of the exterior, people flocked towards this place like moths to light. Having nothing better to do, you decided to head in and check it out.

You weren't really paying attention where you were stepping and instead was engrossed with the scenery. Without looking you tripped over a rock and landed on someone. You groaned afterward and opened your eyes to see a boy about your age rubbing his head.

"Oh my lord, I am so so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going because I'm new here and I fell on you and oh my lord I am sorry." You had awkwardly shouted. The boy stared for a few long seconds and then coughed before getting up.

"I-It's fine, I'm very clumsy myself, it's almost like someone is almost pushing me on purpose," After realizing what he had said he quickly shouted, "B-But it's not like I actually believe that is what's happening.  Gah, sorry, I'm rambling! Anyways, my name is Bipper, erm, I mean Dipper" He stuck out his hand (which seemed to be sweaty?) and you gladly shook it.

"My name is Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you!" You had said with a laugh. You both stood there for a few seconds almost as if you were in a trance. Then, suddenly, there was a loud piercing, girlish scream.

"OH MY GOD DIPPER ARE YOU TALKING TO A GIRL?!" A girl with long brown hair ran up to us and seemed to be the source of the scream. You could immediately tell they were twins.

"Hi, I'm Mable! Do you like my brother? Can we be friends?"

With a giggle, you proceeded to answer the questions: "Hi Mable, my name is Y/n! I just met your brother and I think he is cool but no, I don't like him and of course, we can be friends!" Mable jumped up and pulled a camera out of nowhere while Dipper smiled.

"I shall never miss a scrabookpurtunity!" She pulled the three of you close together and pulled the trigger. The picture slowly came out of the bottom and before it could fall, Mable seized it and showed it to you and Dipper. It showed the three of you awkwardly pushed against each other with tight smiles painted across their faces. Mable held the picture close and glued it down to a fresh page in her pink scrapbook.

Ever since that hot summer day, you and the Pine Twins immediately became three peas in a pod. Every day was filled with new and exciting adventures that would often lead to mayhem, chaos, and bruises. However, just like you had mentioned prior, you couldn't help but feel an attraction towards the nerdy, awkward, Dipper. You had never really felt an attraction towards anybody up until now and since you weren't really close with your parents and the few friends you had were millions of miles away from here, you felt like a fish out of water.

At first, you had tried to just ignore the warm feeling growing inside your chest whenever you were around him but that only made you fall for him more. Whenever you were around him you did not feel like you had to force yourself to be or act a certain way. You could be yourself. It took you weeks for you to finally admit to yourself that you did, in fact, had a crush on him but you refused to make any moves on him. Again, you were a dying fish on land when it came to this stuff.

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