Bish did you just steal my book! (Mike Wheeler x reader)

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Loud yelling and screaming were heard in the Wheeler basement, where The Party was playing an intense game of Dungeons and Dragons. Well, at least most of the party.

Y/n L/n was sitting in the corner quietly and reading the latest installment of her favorite book, f/b. She had been reading it for the entire day and was about halfway through when one of her friends called to her.

"Hey, Y/n can you help us solve something please?" It was Mike, her closest friend. The girl glanced up for a quick second but rolled her eyes in disinterest.

Again, the boy called out to her but there was no response. Mike groaned and begrudgingly got up from his seat as the other party members watched intently.

"I'm just going to," He briskly snatched the book from the girl's hands and held it up high so she couldn't grab it.

"Hey!" She yelled. "Give it back!"

He wagged his finger as if taunting her and said, "Only if you solve this debate for us," Y/n huffed and crossed her arms in defiance.

"Hell no, I'm not solving some frivolous debate for you,"

"Come on N/n! You've been here for like six hours just reading and being anti-social, it would do you good!" Once again, she stood her ground. She was stubborn yes, but not stupid. It's what everyone liked about her.

"Oh, so you want to say I'm anti-social? Look at you, you spend all day in your basement!"

"Well, at least I spend it with my friends!" He remarked.

"Oh, really? What would-"

"Can you guys please just kiss already?!" Dustin yelled. They turned to Dustin and gave him to scariest glare that you could ever imagine. Although she didn't ideally like it, Y/n came up with an idea that would get both her book back and embarrass Mike. It was a win-win. 

When Mike was not paying attention and telling Dustin how wrong he was, she stepped on her tippy toes and softly pressed a kiss on his cheek. He stopped what he was doing and stared at her blankly, almost like a robot. She took this as an opportunity to jump and grab her book from his limp hand and run back up the flight of stairs.

"That's what you get when you steal my book!" She opened the door and walked out sassily while he continued to stare.

"What the hell," Mike mumbled under his breath, as he heard the door close. Did she even mean it?

This one was short. I feel like I should do a part two but I'm not sure what I would write about....

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