
After parting with the Creator, Shiraishi searched for his dearest friend to tell her the earth-shattering news. When he knocked without receiving an answer, he assumed she'd be at the festivities like everybody else. On his way back, however, he was delivered nothing short of tragedy when he ran into her housekeeping fairy: Saga Ayuna was denied entry to the Masa party and was thrown out in front of everyone.

Shiraishi hurtled back to the cottage, thinking she must be broken from being rejected before the entire immortal realm. Circling the hedges to the back of her cottage, he found her weeping on the back porch.

Before Shiraishi leaped over the hedges, he caught a glimpse of Felix entering through the opposite side. 

Out of reflex, Shiraishi stepped behind a tree. He watched as Felix knelt next to her and rested a hand on her back. After they spoke for a few minutes, Felix suddenly pulled her into his arms. Ayuna resisted and then recoiled in alarm. 

Something isn't right, thought Shiraishi. One minute they were speaking, the next Ayuna was standing up. Before he could decipher the content of their conversation, he was confronted with an abominable sight: tilting up her chin, Felix bent down to kiss her hard on the lips.

They kissed for a long time. Felix had his hands in her hair and Ayuna's hands were against his chest. Lavenders encircling the house swayed in the breeze and sapphire-colored butterflies danced over the rooftop. The scenery before him should be one clipped out of a picture book, except Shiraishi knew they were doomed for hell.

He escaped the crime scene.

Engulfed by flames and ice, his moment of glory was ruined.

Everything was ruined.

Just like that, Felix swept in and ruined his one and only friend.


That night, Felix showed up at Shiraishi's new residence to say his congratulations. Being one of the few to show persistence and leadership, Felix foresaw his rise from the beginning. Now, he was happy to have a companion in a lonely eternity.

To his heartfelt speech, Shiraishi reciprocated with a cold shoulder.

Sensing animosity, Felix said, "If there's something on your mind, don't be afraid to say it."

Shiraishi glared at him. He couldn't believe Felix was still trying to act saintly. Standing up, he said stiffly, "Let's go to the koi pond."

Felix obliged without a word.

The koi pond was in the back garden of Felix's residence—the most isolated part of the providence. There, they would be guaranteed privacy.

They walked through the maple grove. Stopping abruptly at the water's edge, he turned and said, "I saw you. With her."

To his surprise, Felix didn't bother with denial."I see."

"You see?!" Shiraishi was incredulous. "That's all you have to say?!"

"I don't know what else you want me to say."

"After what you've done, explain to me how you can still look at yourself!" Shiraishi snarled. "You were Ayuna's caretaker, you watched her grow up... Not to mention, you're an archangel! How could you violate her like that? It's monstrous!"

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