Chapter 10

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I closed my travelling bag after making sure for a hundredth time that I have successfully packed everything that I needed on this trip.

It's exactly been a month after I have accepted the offer for the movie and now we are going to start the official shooting. I can't deny that even though I am a little nervous, I am actually quite excited about it.

The story runs around Sandy a rich but depressed tourist who has been staying in one of the most beautiful island in the world to get away from all her responsibilities and problems that come with being an heiress. That heiress would be me which I think pretty much depicts the real me in some ways.

Then she will meet the migrant, the new scuba diving instructor of the hotel she was staying at who left his luxurious life to follow his passion which runs around marine protection and conservation. Aaron will play the diver. She plans on ending her life underwater where nobody will be able to find her anymore. Unfortunately, the diver found her and rescued her just in time. That will start their story where he shows her the beauty of the world around her.

The story is actually beautiful. When I read the script, I probably shed a tear or two for its beauty. Aaron has been eager to start. He actually has been on trainings to officially get an amateur certificate on scuba diving.

Today is our flight to the Palawan islands of the Philippines which is said to have the most beautiful underwater view. I liked beaches and fresh air. This is the perfect opportunity for me to start anew. We will be staying there for 2 months at most.

"I'm going to miss you Gabby!" Ella said hugging me while we were walking towards the car." "This will be the first time you'll be gone for more than a week since you've been here. If I wasn't just so excited about this movie, I'd not let you go!"

I laughed. "It's just 2 months. I'll be back before you realize it."

She nodded. "But you being with Aaron for 2 months just really excites me so much. Think of all the things that can happen!"

A flick of a finger landed on her forehead and she winced in pain.

"They're filming for a movie not going on a vacation. You and your wild imagination."

"I wonder where she got that from." I rolled my eyes at Alec.

"I'm just saying that things might develop. Things that a lot of people wants to develop that is. I mean, my classmates keep bugging me to confirm your relationship and they wouldn't believe me when I said Aaron hasn't even stepped inside our house yet"

I kissed the top of her head. "Tell them to study." I laughed. "I will see you in 2 months okay? Goodluck on your finals"

She hugged me one last time before I entered the car and waved at her goodbye. Alec was driving me to the airport where everyone was waiting.

He has been pretty silent the whole trip. I feel like he is scared for me. After all, this will be the first time I'll be away from them for a long time in a while. He always wants someone to be able to check on me whenever he wants to. Maybe the incident that happened 5 years ago still scares him.

"I checked my bag and I brought my medicine with me, it's good for 3 months." I said to assure him.

He nodded his head. "I'm sorry if I'm being overdramatic." He said. "I just don't want anything to happen to you while you're away. I'm scared that no one will be there when you suddenly have your episodes."

"Alec, I haven't had any attack for almost a year. And I know what I'm supposed to do if ever. Don't worry about me."

He stopped the car at the side of the road and faced me. "I almost lost you 5 years ago Gabby and I was right there in the same house as you. I'm scared of being far away from you but I also trust in you. Come back home safe."

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