Chapter 7

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Aaron grinned as soon as I held his hand. He knew I had surrendered and allowed him to help me out. We both ran away from the hall to the exit of the hotel. He was calling his driver while we ran and his car parked outside the hotel exactly as we reached the exit.

"The paparazzi are outside." He said as we were near the doors. The guards who saw us running despite shocked had figured us out opened the doors for us to pass through.

"I know" I breathed.

I brazed myself. We exited the hotel and run down the staircase hand in hand towards Aaron's car. A few seconds after we exited, I already saw flashes of cameras around us but I ignored them.

"Sir!" Aaron's driver called as he opened the doors.

"In front Carl!" Aaron shouted.

Carl opened the door in front for me to get inside.

"Take the day off. I'll take it from here." Aaron instructed as he guided me to the car and he run to the driver's side.

He drove away from the hotel as we were still catching our breaths and in an instant we were out of the vicinity and into the open city.

"Oh my god." I gasped in realization trying to gaze back at where we ran away from. "What did you just make me do?"

He laughed. "I just made you experience living Gabriella". He slowed the car down a little "I mean how fun is it to run away with the hottest guy on earth!"

I laughed back punching his arm. "I am so going to regret this tomorrow."

"Don't worry." He answered. "I'll make you take those words back."

I looked at him and started to wonder how the most infuriating creature suddenly became manly and reliable. Has he always been like this?

"How about we tease the paparazzi a little?" he said wiggling his brows.

I shrugged "They already have a story with what they caught at the hotel. I guess a few more wouldn't hurt." I grinned. This was the high school me when there was no Gray. I was carefree and despite being alone, I never had resentments.

This guy is bringing me back, and I'm allowing him to do it.

We stopped by a clothing brand store we were endorsing and bought us some clothes. We wouldn't really want to go out on a dress and tux. I'm pretty sure all the staffs working at the store was dumbfounded seeing the people plastered on their shop's walls come to life.

I settled for a plain baby pink tee shirt, ripped jeans, rubber shoes and a white cap. Aaron changed to the exact same clothes he was wearing at the poster- a denim blue shirt, tight jeans, rubber shoes and a fedora hat.

"You are so cliché." I told him.

"The most handsome cliché." He corrected.

"Whatever." I laughed. "You are going to pay for everything you know. I left my purse at the hotel."

"I may be annoying, but I'm still a gentleman." He mused as we both cruised towards the counter.

He took a card from his wallet and handed it to the girl at the counter who was still probably in shock.

"Uhh.. You're the brand endorsers. We were instructed that in the extremely rare occurrence that you come and shop, you won't need to pay." The guy beside him spoke who I'm guessing is the manager.

"Pretend we never came here." Aaron insisted.

"The camera caught you" the guy said pointing at the camera above the counter. "We'll get in trouble if we charge you."

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