Chapter 18

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Gray was casually sitting on a couch, his eyes were wondering across the elegantly painted wall across him until his eyes landed on the humongous self portrait of the man that owned the room.

He leaned forward.

There were magazines and newspapers piled neatly on one corner of the table that held the same face. On his back was a glass cabinet filled with plaques and awards.

He maintained his composure even if the room was extremely overwhelming for him. He stood up and paced around to try and divert his attention until he stopped just in front of the office table. His hand traced the large golden nameplate that reads "Anthony Grayson". The sickening feeling at the pit of his stomach grew.

The door to the office opened but Gray didn't even flinch. He didn't even move back despite the probably compromising position he was at. Anthony came in and saw him looking at his name. He was followed by his secretary. He didn't mind and didn't even care of what Gray was doing in his table. He just immediately headed straight to his chair, took a sit and started signing the papers handed by his secretary.

Gray took that as a cue to go back to his seat. He crossed his legs and waited. He poured some tea to a cup and sipped from it.

It only took a few minutes before the door opened and then closed again and they were both left alone.

"Always the early bird, Gray" Anthony spoke. He took off his glasses and left them on the table. He stood from his chair and went on to sit down across him.

"I don't like wasting my time. And I wouldn't want you to be the one waiting for me" he nonchalantly answered. He leaned forward and poured some tea from the pot that was served to him not long ago. He slid it across to Anthony. The latter looked at it for a moment before sipping from it.

"How is the plantation?" He asked. He leaned back to his chair to give off a little bit of dominance but Gray didn't falter. He did the same and they met eye to eye. He crossed his leg.

"Our monthly sales had increased by 2.3% from last month despite the typhoon that destroyed one of our buildings and we had to pause for a couple of days. The reconstruction has already started a week ago and is going to finish in a few more days. We decided to expand the building to make space for more machineries while it is already under construction. We have bought more machineries to speed up the production. With the demand increasing and the faster production we are going at, we are seeing another increase in sales in the next month of up to 3%."

Anthony smiled in satisfaction. "Well done" he says. "No one would ever think of turning a disaster around and benefitting from it"

Gray scoffed. "It's not like you don't have an entire folder in that table that elaborated everything that I have just said."

Anthony shrugged. "It is always nice to hear a face to face report of the progress of my businesses especially if it is doing very well. And I wanted to praise you for your work. I knew I could just leave the plantation in your care"

Gray took his cup and had another sip.

"Well, how is your hotel?"

Gray laughed humorlessly. "I know that you didn't bring me here just to ask me about something you already know of. All these things that you are asking have already been reported to you"

"I wanted to see you" Anthony answered acting cluelessly about Gray's words.

"You never ask for me." Gray answered "You would send people to me to ask whatever you want to ask."

"Are you mad about it?"

Gray leaned back again to gain some ground. "Let us just cut the chase. Like I said, I do not like wasting my time. You and I know why you asked me to come here."

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