Chapter 8

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We decided to walk around the Central Park. It was getting dark. We bought ourselves corndogs and strolled by the gardens. People kept on looking at us but we chose not to mind them. Some teenagers who were brave enough came to us and asked us for a group picture. We gave them what they wanted.

"Why are you not going to do the movie?" he asked. We sat down at one of the bench and stared at the people who walked past us, some turning their heads in disbelief if we really were who they think we were.

"How do you know that I am not doing it?" I asked.

"Lea Tomson has been contacting me again. He only communicates with me if we are going to have a project. It's kind of annoying actually. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't feel like she'll be good for the role."

"Wouldn't that work better for you? You're already used to each other."

He shrugged. "I don't really know about that. I work professionally with every actor. What about you? Why did you audition if you don't plan on doing it? They chose you and you back out. You're wasting the opportunity."

"I haven't really said that I'm not doing it. It's just that my confirmation is long overdue so they think I'm not taking it. To be honest, I just don't know if I can act in love with you." I laughed. "They should've given us a horror movie where I get possessed and I get to stab you in the chest and gauge your eyes out."

He glared at me.

I sighed. "The company just insists that I have my acting debut and what else would be better than a movie with you. Then they announce the audition for that movie just in the perfect timing. I really should've waited for a horror or thriller movie not a love story."

"You sound like I'm hard to fall in love with." He said. He leaned on the backrest of the bench. "Give me time and I can prove you wrong. There is a reason why a movie with me is best for your acting debut. I bring out the best in everyone!"

I laughed. "Whatever floats your boat Tyler."

"You should really consider doing it. It can help you get your mind off of things, divert your thoughts."

"I'll think about it." I looked at him and smiled. "Anyway, thank you Aaron for being good to me today."

"Don't mention it." He smiled back.

"You're not really too bad after all."

"I'm actually pretty awesome if you get to know me more."

We both laughed.

His phone suddenly started ringing and he took it out of his pocket. We both looked at it and it was an unregistered number.

He answered it. "Who are you and where did you get my number?"

I couldn't hear what the other line was saying but after probably around 15 seconds, Aaron ended the call and faced me.

"That was Alexander Grayson and he just threatened to kill me if I don't bring you back in the next hour."

At that, we both burst into laughter. "He's probably worried sick that he can't contact me. I left my phone in my purse at the party."

Aaron's phone started ringing again and again it was an unregistered number.

"I'll talk to him." I told Aaron and he handed me his phone. I slid my finger in the screen and placed the phone in my ears.

"Give Gabriella Conner back or I will kill you Aaron Tyler."

I froze. That wasn't Alec. I can't be mistaken. I know his voice too well. It was Gray Aldaine.


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