Chapter 20

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I drew the curtains back to let natural light shine inside the room. Taking in a deep breath to wake my organs up, I started with a few stretches before I placed my airpods on and played an upbeat song from my watch.

We had finished our shoot at about 3 in the morning. It was almost 2 in the afternoon and I didn't want to waste the entire day sleeping so I decided to exercise a bit. I wanted my body clock to stay in check otherwise, my insomnia is going to ruin me all over again

Having Aaron around is not very helpful when it comes to my diet. Everytime I say that I can't eat because we needed to do a scene where I needed to look good in the camera, he would purposely indulge himself with the most delicious food in front of me until I give in. Even after shoots, he would drag me out to find restaurants or try new delicacies.

He said he hated the sound of my stomach growling.

I never complained, I have always loved food.

It makes me wonder how he can stay fit when I rarely see him work out. He was always eating in between takes and then sleeps until the next schedule. Sure I'd see him go for a run at times but after those, he'd be munching on food again.

Last night, we had a boodle fight with the staff. It was a tradition in the island where the food is all laid down in a banana leaf and everyone eats there using their hands. It was fun.

But now I needed to burn all the calories I have gained from last night.

I sent a quick message to Aaron telling him I was going out so that he doesn't freak out when he doesn't see me in my room when he wakes up and comes barging in. I then plugged my phone and left it in my room because it was almost drained. Even my watch was on low battery but I needed music to run.

It was the middle of the day but thankfully, it wasn't too hot. The sun was covered in dark clouds that it looked like it was going to rain.

Although the weather didn't look like it was going to be kind to me today, I still went through with my run towards the track. It only took me a little while until I arrived unlike the first time I came. It feels as though I am beginning to get used to everything around here.

We've been here for more than a month already. Only a few weeks and we are done with the shooting. The rest of the shoot is going to take place back in New York. We have footages of most of the scenes we needed here, sometimes, we try to retake some depending on the opportunities but mostly we were already done.

I am going to miss this place. The past days have been the most at peace that I have been in my life. Thinking how everything was going to end soon made me feel a little sad.

The trail was darker than usual and there were almost no people around. I only saw two people come down the trail since I entered. I decided to head towards the offtrail and check it out as I have never been there before. I took a left turn after a full turn and slowly jogged following the man made trail.

It only took me about 5 minutes until I have fully reached the clearing. It was a cliff just like by the cafe. There was also a wooden fence around it to prevent accidents. I went closer to the edge and peeked down below and I was surprised at what I saw. It was only about a 50 ft drop to the ocean and at about 20 ft there was a man made fenced little cave. I followed the fence and realized there was a steel ladder going down.

There was a sign by the ladder that reminded people to be careful in going down and that the ladder was slippery when wet.

I didn't even think twice about going down. I did have a little moment where I thought it would be the end of me if I fall but that clearly didn't stop me.

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