Chapter 28

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"Gabby, we're almost there" Aaron caressed my face. I feel my neck stiffened a bit when I sat back up in my chair. I slowly opened my eyes and looked outside the car's window. There was a vast field of white and right at it's very background was a majestic perfect-cone mountain with its half top covered in snow.

In a matter of minutes, the view completely disappeared. Seemingly, we have entered the grounds of the very famous Fiji Hotel.

I have put my coat back on which Aaron passed to me earlier. The driver said that the outside temperature was -10 degrees with a little bit of a breeze and that if we didn't bundle up we might freeze as soon as the doors opened. Aaron placed my ear muffs on and fixed it in place, making sure that it has entirely covered up both my ears.

I have always loved visiting Japan. Everytime I had to come here to work, I always try to squeeze in a few hours just to marvel at the surroundings and take in as much of their culture as I can. This country is absolutely beautiful. It is clean everywhere you go, everyone is so respectful and mindful of each other, everything is so convenient. It feels like a very peaceful place to live in.

Despite that, like every other country, there are bad times when visiting Japan specifically when it is winter and there are is a storm brewing somewhere within its vicinity. The worst part is actually going to the Northern parts where snow is thick and the wind is starting to pick up.

Nevertheless, Aaron and I still had to make this trip here at this time. We were rushing. We had to come here now or it would have been too late.

Apparently, one of the remaining problems that Gray and Sophia has been facing is Mr. Dalton Ford. Yes, the very kind Mr. Ford who we actually owe a lot to. It seems that despite what everyone would think as a non-existant relationship going on between him and Anthony Grayson, they were actually very good acquaintances. Who would ever know? They rarely talk to each other. Neither one attends each other's events and they don't even talk about each other.

But then, as Gray had told us, it seemed Mr. Ford had actually been backing Anthony up all these time. The latter's bold moves to start partnerships in far away countries that nobody believed in was supported by Mr. Ford. It didn't even surprise me at all.

When Alec and I was starting Vermillion, nobody thought we would make it. We were two very young amateurs who knew nothing of the real world, but he reached out and gave us a hand.

Anthony did tell us one time that the only reason Mr. Ford helped us was because one of us carried the Grayson name. I've always thought that it was just one of his ways to discourage us, but now that I think about it, it might have been true.

Despite that, Alec and I have proved ourselves not just to Mr. Ford but to everyone else who told us to just give up. We have also managed to build what I would like to believe is a strong bond with Mr. Ford and that is where I plan on drawing my courage from.

Now, Aaron and I are here in Japan to see the old man. He had come here a few days ago with his entire family for a vacation and won't be going back home for another month. We couldn't wait for that long.

Harold had told Gray that Anthony has tightened up security to one of his properties. This very property is our second hit. If Anthony ceases the operations in this property then our evidence will be destroyed and our plan will take a huge turn.

Alec stayed behind with Gray and Sophia to see how things are going to go down. Aaron and I were tasked to do one very important thing, to talk down the only person we believe is going to hold Anthony's hand back up when we trample him.

The van stopped right at the entrance of the hotel. Several of the employees were right outside waiting for us to come down so they can assist us. Some of them had opened the back to take our staff in. I felt bad for making them brave the cold to help us out. Aaron quickly ran from the other side to help me. For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to make a good impression to Mr. Ford and wear my Louboutin boots that had a 4 inches heels. Sadly, it almost made me slip in the airport and I had not packed any warmer shoes.

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