Chapter 33

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Nine months flew by very fast. It felt like it was just yesterday when everything came at me all at once.

It was just surprises after surprises.

Alec and the whole family had been very supportive of me. When I told them that I wanted to keep the baby, he didn't get mad.

I underestimated him. I would have thought that he would be the first person to tell me that I needed to choose myself first. He was always after my safety and well-being. But, even if he knew this decision could hurt me or even kill me, he gave me his full support.

Everything felt different because of the new arrangements. I don't live with him anymore. I was living in one of Aaron's houses quite far from the city but near one of the most prestigous hospitals of the country.

Alec would come see me at least once a week to check up on me without failure. He had everything flawlessly planned for my treatment the moment I give birth. The way he understood my feelings made me realize that Alec really did know me deep inside.

Aunt Alexandria and and Michaela also comes frequently and brings me lots of gifts and good company. I really like having them around. They give me all the girl support that I need.

I have officially given up my ownership of the Vermillion despite Alec's refusal because I thought it was unfair that he was doing everything and yet I was benefitting from it. Alec said my reasoning was stupid but I stood ground.

Red got married 3 months ago. I was extremely sick a day before the wedding and I cried so much when I told him I couldn't make it to the ceremony because it was a two hour ride away. He looked forward to it and he would happily call me and ask me about flowers or colors that would look beautiful. He told me I needed to be there with him but I couldn't.

I was so depressed the night before and cried myself to sleep. I was woken up at 2 in the morning by a ruckus happening by the garden. Red was there with several people and they were trying to build stuff up. He told me he will not get married without me and that if I won't be able to go to the wedding, then they will bring the wedding to me. Sophia was actually happy she would get her dream garden wedding instead of the church wedding they initially planned to. I was able to celebrate the big day with everyone albeit only for a short time. I was really happy.

My father lives with me and is taking care of me at the moment. It was only him and me and a couple of housekeepers as well as a private nurse. I've learned to live my life quite independently since I was a small child and I thought that that was an indication of being a strong person. I was wrong.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help and depending on someone. I allowed myself to be taken care of. I was reliving the years of not having a father. He too tried his very best to make it up to me. It felt really nice.

Gray had taken over the Grayson communications. It was hard but slowly, little by little, he was able to pull it up, maybe not to it's usual glory but stable enough to operate again. A lot of the resigned employees who showed interest in coming back under the new management was rehired. The committee board didn't even argue when Alec said that he is giving the company to Gray. Everybody trusted Gray and they said that if anyone can pull up a doomed company it would be him. Alec didn't really want anything to do with it at all. The rebranding was completed a few months ago. From Grayson communications, we have returned it to be Anderson Corporation. Gray also comes to visit me once in a while. He is my official lawyer. We have come into terms and are very good friends. He had taken care of all my inheritances and assets.

The secret account is now on the process of transfer to an official account under my unborn child. We have decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise.

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