"How dare he place his hands on my mate." Hunter growls.

As he goes to walk away from my goddess she nods, leans back against the car and closes her eyes. Something isn't right. I feel a wave of discomfort flow over me, as Asher places one hand on her forehead and the other on her stomach.

I have to go to her, I have to see if she is ok. I walk across the street so as not to cause alarm, excited to be in the presence of my mate but also worried for her welfare. If something is wrong, I need to be by her side.

As I get to her, her scent not as strong as yesterday, she opens her beautiful piercing eyes and locks them on me.

"Nick" she whispers as she loses her strength and begins to fall straight into my arms.

As my goddess is in my arms my heart feels complete, the world around me stops and it is just her and I in the moment. Right in my arms is where she needs to be, always.

"Miss Asher" I worryingly speak her name her as I hold her in my arms feeling her breathing on my chest and I know something isn't right, I can feel she is distressed.

We linger for a short moment, inhaling her remarkable scent. Asher in my arms, her breathing beginning to steady, I don't want this moment to end. Where our skin touches it tingles, I hope she feels this too.

**Asher POV **

As the moments pass, me still securely wrapped in Nicks embrace, I can feel the life flow back into me. My strength begins to return, and the groggy feeling is replaced with butterflies in my stomach. Deep down I know this man will be my undoing.

Asher, we need him, you cant deny this any longer. Rea my wolf gently says
Rea, as much as I want to deny this, my heart feels your right. I don't know what to do
I reply back with fear of the unknown.
We must go with him. She replies quietly
No Rea, our people, our pack, our family. Leo will not let me go, not to Nick. I fire back, knowing full well this bond could likely break the proposed alliance.

My brother hates Nick. Our families have never seen eye to eye, our fathers fought each other when they were younger than us. The thought of being mated with Nick both sooths my soul but also ignites immense fear within me. This could start a war, or it could bring together 2 of the strongest packs. Im scared, so so scared.

Oh Moon Goddess, why why have you done this to me. I cry out to my wolf

Asher, you know you won't be able to fight this feeling for long. Give him a chance, get to know him. Rea replies calmly.
Rea, since when did you become such the diplomate? I question her with genuine surprise.
Hmpf. Rea chuckles and then disappears.

Great, she's left me here to deal with this on my own. When the going gets tough the tough get going.

As I catch my breath, feeling much more like myself, I stand up, still holding onto Nicks strong arms, yet too scared to make eye contact. I feel overwhelmed and slightly embarrassed. I am strong and yet here I am needing someone else to hold me up. This isn't right, but why does it feel like it is!

**Nicholas POV **

My sweet princess, the goddess before me, I can feel her energy slowly returning as she holds my arms, her face gently rested on my chest. I want to live in this moment forever and curse anyone who dares interrupt it.

Asher slowly gains her footing, her chest against mine, her soft hands still holding my arms firmly. As she stands on her own two feet, she does not make eye contact with me. Why? Is she scared of me? Intimidated? Disgusted?

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