Hunter stirs inside me, as the time passes, he becomes increasingly more aroused and anxious.
Our talk lasts for over 2 hours, 2 whole hours of smelling my sweet goddess and having her in front of me. As much as I want this treaty to progress all I want is to take this woman to the closest private room and make her MINE.

"So, Asher, your thoughts" Leo turns to his sister and questions eagerly awaiting her response.
There's a short silence, then she breathes in deeply, looks straight through me and begins her questions.

**Asher POV**

I know my brother has called me in to listen and weigh in but I'm afraid I have lost myself quite often in Alpha Nicholas' eyes and his deep stern voice. Once the two Alphas have finished their discussion, Leo asking many questions. He turns to me.

"So, Asher, your thoughts?" And eagerly awaits my reply.

Crap, I'm supposed to talk!! How can I give my best-informed decision when I've spent the last 2 hours imagining this man naked! I look to my brother, then to Alpha Nicholas taking a moment to gather myself and my thoughts.

"Alpha Nicholas" I begin

"Please, call me Nick" he interjects.

I nod. "Our pack is one of the largest packs in the state, we have no enemies around us and have received no threats in the last 8 years. We, just like yourself, are not only highly respected but also feared. No one dares cross us. Why, why do you come to us to propose this alliance when either of our packs could stand quite easy on our own" I question him trying my hardest not to show that I am interested in him even though Rea is screaming at me inside.

** Nicholas POV **

Damn this woman is good! Not only is she sexy, strong and smart she's damn good!

"Well Miss Asher" I begin "you are right, both of our packs are strong, respected and feared, and yes, neither of our packs have been challenged or threatened in many years. This said, in our day and age, forming alliances only strengthens packs and reinforce the fact we are not to be messed with." I calmly explain while being captivated by my mate. I wonder to myself; does she know? She hasn't given me any signs. God, I need her, I must have her.

"So, it's about power and ego?" She fires back at me.

"Great, she thinks were egotistical idiots. This is your fault. Asshole." Hunter snaps at me

"No, no not at all Miss Asher. This is about securing both our packs safety for many years to come" I look at her and eagerly await her response. Right now, I don't care what she says I just want to hear her voice.

She looks at her brother, I assume linking him. He smiles and stands up. Is this it? I wonder to myself.

"Thank you for visiting us today Alpha Nicholas, this is something we as a pack will need to discuss at an Elders meeting and offer you our thoughts only after this. I would like to extend an offer of a formal dinner to be held tomorrow night, by then we will have an answer for you." Alpha Leo starts to wind up the meeting as he stands from the table.

A little unsure of the outcome I know I must accept it; I need to spend time with this woman so coming back suits me just fine. My original plan to head home today now over, hell I'll stay all week if it means being closer to his sister.

I stand to shake Leo's hand and then focus my attention to Miss Asher as she smiles at me and nods.

"Thank you for your time, I look forward to your answer tomorrow" I can't believe she has not given me any signs. My heart and soul ready to burst. She's mine, she is my mate I must have her.

As I exit the conference room her scent strong and as addictive as drugs, I can't help but catch another glimpse of this incredible beauty. Linc and Xav wait for me by the door, I link them both.
"It's time to go. We will return tomorrow."

They both nod and we exit the manor back to the cars. Driving from the property the sweet scent of Miss Asher slowly fading and my heart burning for her touch.

"Linc, a report on their forces" I question him when all I really wanted to know was what his opponent was like. Linc pipes up to offer his opinions on the pack's warriors.

"Their warriors are ranked much like ours, strong numbers and exceptionally well trained. Both their men and women fight as equals not only with brute force but with extensive knowledge of tactics and reading their opponents next move. I had long overheard rumours they were trained by Lycans, certainly our warriors could learn a thing of two from them. A strong ally to have Alpha" he explains. "And the woman who fought me today, wow" he continued "she's one hell of a wolf. ".

"She is Asher Taylor, the Alphas Sister" I explain with a wave of jealousy coming over me. How dare my Delta lay his hands on her I should rip his head off. "And she is my mate" I conclude.
Linc looks at me, a heavy gulp and sweat on his brow.

"Shit" he replies quietly, both surprised and shocked.

"We've been invited back tomorrow night for a formal dinner and to receive the Alphas answer. Xav, Linc, you too will attend this formal event" I order them.

"Understood Alpha" they both confirm.

As we continue our journey to the motel, I can't help but focus my attentions back to Asher. Her beautiful eyes, her incredible scent, her perfect tanned skin and her plump lips. Oh, how I must see her again.



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