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It was another day in Musutafu for 4 year old Izuku Midoriya. Just a few days ago, his best friend Katsuki 'Kacchan'  Bakugo had received his quirk, "Explosions" and next, it was his turn. His mother, Inko, was taking him to the doctor today to finally learn what his power would be, and to say he was excited was an understatement. Izuku was bouncing off the walls with such force you'd think that was his power. But no, he was just there to learn what his quirk was going to be, so it was a bit of a shocker when the doctor came in looking just as confused as them.

"I-I'm terribly sorry ma'am, but I can't tell you what his quirk will be. Just that he has one, or will. Looking at the charts I say it should manifest in about, 2 days." The doctor told them, making one of them confused and one smiling. The latter being Izuku, and the former being Inko.

"What!? Why can't you tell us his quirk?" She asked, not quite understanding the problem.

"Well... We've never seen anything resembling his quirk." The doctor explains to her.

"WOOOOOOOW! You mean my quirk is new!? This is awesome!" Izuku yelled, excited by the fact his quirk was completely unseen until now. Inko decided it would be best to go home then, they weren't getting anymore information and Izuku was getting hungry. On the drive back they stopped by Kacchan's house to tell him the news. Upon arriving, Izuku basically punched the door trying to knock, but soon enough, the door was opened by Kacchan himself.

"Deku!" The ash blonde yelled, grabbing the attention of his mother, Mitsuki. 

"Ahh! Izuku, Inko, what brings you here?" She asks.

"We were coming home from the doctors, Izuku was finding out what his quirk was." Inko responded in a chipper tone, but she was also frowning. Mitsuki notices this.

"If that's the case than why are you frowning?" Inko responds quickly.

"Well, the doctors don't know what it'll be. He says they've never seen a quirk like his."

"What!? That's awesome Deku!" Kacchan yells to his friend. Deku nods violently.

"Well since you're here, why don't you come in and stay for dinner? I'd like to catch up, and I'm sure the kids would love for a quick play-date, right boys?" Mitsuki asks, both the children nod happily while starring at Inko, who sighs and gestures upstairs, to which the kids run up and to Kacchan's room. Inko and Mitsuki sat at the couch and began to catch up, it had been a while since they last spoke, and they were pretty good friends, even Masaru joined for a bit. They talked and laughed for a few minutes, before they heard yelling and crying from Kacchan's room. Just as they were going to get up and see what was going on, Deku came running down the stairs, tears streaming down his face as he grabbed his mother's hand and made a swift exit. They reached the car and got in, a trail of water behind them as Inko wiped away Deku's tears, fearing what had happened to him.

A few minutes ago - Kacchan's room

The 2 boys arrived in the room and started playing with hero toys, occasionally arguing over who gets the All Might figure. After a minute of playing, they began the discussion that led to Izuku's crying: His quirk. 

"So Deku, what do you think your quirk will be?"

"Hmm? Oh, I don't know, but I'm super excited. I hope its as cool as yours!"

"HA! Yeah right, no quirks gonna be as cool as mine!"

"Yeah, well then I hope its strong so we can be heroes together!"

Yeah, we're gonna be the best, so if your quirk isn't strong, than you better make it better!"

"YEAH!" Izuku yelled before playfully punching Kacchan in the arm. But in that moment, both of them saw a small light, and each felt a strange sensation, not the same feeling, but the same level of weird. And then...

Boom - BOOM!

Deku gasps while looking at his outstretched hands, now creating explosions. "Look Kacchan! It's just like yours!" He yells to the other boy, who is currently starring blankly at his hands.

The rest of this chapter is really just from this comic except for the others knowing his quirk and Inko stayed in Japan - All credit for art to fruitloop_chan

The rest of this chapter is really just from this comic except for the others knowing his quirk and Inko stayed in Japan - All credit for art to fruitloop_chan

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[I won't do chapters on what happened in America but it will be revealed, through interactions and dialogue. Also, pretty big time jump (10 years!) next chapter.]

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