B O N U S : Valentine's Day I Love You's

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A/N: First Valentine's Day as a writer on Wattpad so I thought I'd surprise my lovelies with a bonus chapter on my most popular story. Plus finally hit over 100k reads so something to be extremely excited about. This chapter will be from Bex's POV so enjoy <3

Also song choice for this chapter which I think fits perfectly and I've been obsessed with lately is Adore You by Harry Styles

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Also song choice for this chapter which I think fits perfectly and I've been obsessed with lately is Adore You by Harry Styles.

I don't know why it just makes me think of Nate Daniels and how he feels about his Bex. Hell, it's a perfect song for every one of our MMC in the series (Nate, Carter, Jackson, & now Adam)

***Added song up top if you want to give it a listen while reading ^_^ Plus the music video is hilariously adorable <3

B O N U S : Valentine's Day I Love You's


"Happy Valentine's Day little ones and remember to take your mailboxes home with you so that you can show your cards to your parents," I kindly remind my class of Kindergartners as they grab their backpacks from the rack and their Valentine's Day themed mailboxes from their cubbies.

Kristy, one of my students prances over to me with a beaming smile and pulls a stem rose along with a heart shaped box of chocolates with a golden retriever puppy on the front from her backpack. "This is for you Mrs. Daniels. Happy Valentine's Day."

My heart literally melts. I kneel down in front of her and as I take the treasures from her tiny hands, I wrap my arms around her shoulders and give her a tight hug. "Thank you so much sweetheart. You have a wonderful day and remember to tell your parents Happy Valentine's Day as well," I tuck a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear with a smile.

"I will Mrs. Daniels. Bye and see you tomorrow." Tomorrow is Saturday so there's no school but I'm not going to break her heart by reminding her.

When she skips out of class to grab her daddy's hand, I turn towards my desk and place her gifts, along with the many others my students gave me into a crate. I'll have to look through all of these tonight when I get home. My sweet babies, I love them all so much. However, even though I love my students to pieces, there's two particular babies at home that I can't wait to smother with hugs and kisses. But it'll have to wait.

I had let my aid leave early today so right now I have to go through the homework packets of the week before heading home. I usually don't bring my work home with me unless I absolutely have to. Reasoning for that is because if I take it home, it may not get done. Between tending to both Sarah and Jackson Dean, plus chores around the house, it's a hassle trying to grade papers or projects. Let's not forget the biggest baby of them all that demands more attention than my toddler, their father Nathan Daniels.

I love that man with everything in me but at times, I could strangle him with how distracting he can be when I'm trying to work. You would think with how he acted, that I rarely put out. I've got to make up for a decades worth of love making we missed out on, he always tells me. That man...I mentally shake my head but smile none-the-less. I should and very much am, thankful for the wonderful husband I have.

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