XI. It's Always Been Her...Will Always Be Her

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XI. It's Always Been Her...Will Always Be Her


The sound of gunfire rings through my ears and I have no idea where it's coming from. I adjust my rifle on my arm and look around the area. I call out for my unit to fall back.

I'm in charge of my infantry unit and need to get them to safety. It was suppose to be an easy sweep. I wasn't expecting to be walking into a trap.

As we back away down the street, I shoot at my targets for cover fire as my guys make their way further down the alley.

One, two, three, bang, bang, bang.

Three enemies down.

A few more pop their heads out and I draw my weapon, landing a bullet between both of their eyes.

Two more down.

The gunshots have subsided and there's a building right ahead that leads to our caravan. A shortcut. It's better than taking the long way around in the open.

I set up on the outside of the building next to the door, Ford stands on the other side. There's four more men beside him, waiting to follow his lead when he enters the building. I kick in the door and Ford and the rest of my guys make their way in.

I stand watch outside until the last man enters. I back into the doorway and listen as my men yell out they're clear, indicating no ones in the building. I quickly make my way down the hallway and when I get to the last room that leads to the outside, a man with an Uzi comes out of nowhere, spraying bullets.

I fill a sharp pain in my side and I quickly raise my gun, taking the shot. The man falls to the ground as I grab at my side.

I half expect Ford to come up to me telling me to get up off my ass, that we've got a mission to do but he never does.

"Sergeant! Man down!" I hear one of my men yell out.

I turn to see Ford laying on the ground as a pool of blood pours from his leg, chest, and arm. I quickly make my way over to him, yelling for our medic.

"I guess I missed that guy brother," Ford laughs and spirts out blood from his mouth.

"Oh shut up Ford, shit happens. You're going to be fine," I lie.

This isn't good. I can tell by his leg wound, the fucker hit his femoral artery, if he doesn't get this taken care of soon, he'll bleed out. I watch as the medic quickly ties off his leg, arm, and patches his chest.

I kneel down and wrap my arm underneath him, supporting him on my body. My side begins to sting and I feel woozy like I might pass out. Another one of my men grabs Ford's other arm and supports it over his shoulder.

We quickly make our way out of the house and I spot our Humvee twenty feet away. My men cover fire as I help Ford climb into the back.

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