X. Two Blowjobs Please

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A/N: I swear the chapter is not what you think ;)
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X. Two Blowjobs Please

The small club we're at right now in Jamestown is nothing compared to the clubs out in California. I know for a fact, Heather wouldn't be able to handle it out there. This club is much more mellow and there's people dancing on the dance floor but you're not getting shoved around by people drunk and high on X. Heather and I are sitting at the bar now, taking a short break from all the dancing we've been doing. My feet are killing me and we've only been here a couple hours. Remind me again why I wore these damn heels dancing?

"Two Blowjobs please," I yell at the bartender over the music and he gives me a surprised look like I'm crazy. Heather begins laughing her ass off and nearly falls off her stool.

"Umm excuse me miss? Is that a drink? I've never heard of that one," he grins awkwardly at me.

"Really? And you call yourself a bartender," I giggle and explain what it is to him. When he continues to look at me confused, I roll my eyes and get up from my stool. I walk back behind the bar and his eyes go wide in shock.

"Don't worry, I'm a bartender," I nudge past him and grab all that I need.

I show him how to create it and he nods his head, deep in concentration. I can't believe he doesn't know this one since it's really popular, at least in California. Then again we are out in the country in a small town. Most the drinks out here are more basic. Whiskey, scotch, vodka, and beer. They usually don't do mixed drinks like what I'm making even though they've got everything I need for one. Once I've got the shots made I walk back around to the other side of the bar as Heather eyes me suspiciously and I explain to her how it's done.

"So you're going to put your hands behind your back and lick the whip cream off the top like this," I put my hands back behind me and very seductively lick the cream off the top with my tongue.

"And then you'll put your lips around the rim of the glass like this and tilt your head back to take it," I wrap my thick lips around the glass, grabbing it, and stand straight while tilting my head back. I feel the liquid go down my throat and quickly lean back over to put the glass back on the counter top. I instantly feel the warmth in my chest from the Baileys and when I look up both Heather and the bartender are staring at me awestruck.

I look further down the bar and a group of guys had been watching and they're shoving one guy to come over. I laugh to myself. It works every time. I have the bartender pour me another and do the next one with Heather. Once we are done we are both laughing and I can feel the soothing warmth in my belly. I'm nowhere near intoxicated, I just feel good.

The guy who was being shoved down the bar finally walks up to us and approaches me shyly. He's wearing a red polo and jeans with his dirty blonde hair spiked up in random directions like he'd been frequently running his fingers through it.

"Hello miss, I just wanted to say you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I'd love to buy you a drink," he's shaking and nervous. He doesn't look barely over eighteen years old. Either he's baby faced or he snuck in here. Most likely the latter.

I smile kindly at him and think about what I could say. I could let him down easy but the guy muscled up all his courage to come over to a couple of older women, so I might as well give him a little bit of hope. I'm here to have fun so why not?

"Thank you and sure," I smile sweetly and Heather gives me a shocked look. She then smirks as she realizes what I'm doing. The boy standing before me is shocked as well since I said yes, his excitement imminent.

✓ [18+] A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHEREWhere stories live. Discover now