XII. I'll Never Look At Mac 'N' Cheese The Same

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XII. I'll Never Look At Mac 'N' Cheese Box The Same


I'm walking slowly down the pasta aisle inside Phillip's Grocery Market when I hear a God awful nasally voice call my name from behind me. I already know who it is before I even fully turn around. Fucking Stacy Winters. I roll my eyes in annoyance as she struts towards me. I was beginning to wonder when I'd run into my arch nemesis of my high school days.

Taking in her appearance though, I can't help but smirk. She's aged horribly and it's not just that she's older and obviously put on some pounds, it's the fact she's got ten pounds of make-up on and wearing the clothes of a now sixteen year old that makes her look worse. I seen this same thing in California all the time living in LA. Older women trying to look and act younger because they were in denial that they were no longer sixteen. I wish these women would realize it makes them look older and foolish by doing it.

Stacy smirks as she approaches me and when she stops in front of me, she puts her hand on her hips and throws her shoulders back, causing her large breast to nearly fall out of her top. Honey, you're showing off your goods to the wrong person. Mine might not be as big as yours, but at least mine are still perky for my age. I laugh to myself, waiting for what this bitch has got to say to me.

"Well, well, if it isn't Rebekah Miller. I heard California life was too much for you so you came running back home. I guess you just couldn't hang with the celebrity life out there?" she condescendingly pouts at me. What a fucking moron.

Why do a lot of people who don't live in California or have never been, automatically thinks it's nothing but palm trees and beaches all around? Or that everywhere you go, you spot a famous celebrity walking down the street? Sure, I'd seen a few out in the public, but I never got star struck or excited. If anything I felt bad for them. They couldn't even go to the grocery store without someone in their business.

"Nope. I guess I couldn't," I shrug and adjust my weight on my other leg. There's really no point in arguing with her. She'd end up turning my words on me and honestly, I'm not in the mood for a bitch fit.

"Hmm. That's too bad. I also heard that you're single and have no children. What a shame coming back empty handed. You're getting up their in age Bex, your biological clocks ticking away," she smirks at me and I try really hard not to reach over, grab a can of pasta sauce, and bash her head in. There's a reason I came back single and without children, but that's none of her fucking business.

"Yes I am single and don't have any children. I'm quite happy with that because you see," I edge closer to her so we are nearly touching.

"I can sleep with whom ever I want, whenever I want and don't have to be at some man's beck and call like his bitch. Plus I don't have to worry about the extra weight I'd put on barring children," I look up and down her, letting her know I've noticed. I know that's a low fucking blow and I'm totally against weight shaming but I'm irate at her right now for what she brought up. I decide to add even more to my insult and continue on.

"And lastly, my pussy is still tight as a school girl so I don't have to worry about my partner cheating on me with some fresh young slut because my shit is so loose you could thrown a bowling ball in it," I grin at her and her eyes go dark with anger. I know I've hit every nerve right on the dot. Good, she hit mine with her remark and she's a fucking idiot if she thought I wouldn't return it.

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