IX. All Great Minds Think A Like

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A/N: The dynamic duo are back together in this one. Enjoy <3
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IX. All Great Minds Think A Like

I take a sip of my iced coffee outside the coffee and donut shop as I tap away on my laptop. While studying for school, I hear a high pitched scream that I immediately recognize.

Looking up from my laptop, I instantly smile at the woman who's running from across the street at me. Heather Daniels barges into me so hard it nearly knocks my glasses off my face and the front legs of my chair lift up a little, nearly making me fall back. She wraps her arms tightly around me and I hold back a sob as the realization hits me of how much I've missed my life long best friend.

"Oh my gosh Bex I can't believe you're really back!" she squeals excitedly as she takes my appearance in. I do the same as I compare and contrast at how much Heather has changed since I last saw her.

Her hair no longer cascades down her back in waves but is now shorter and straight. It's cut in a bob that stops just above her shoulders, similar to mine. However mine is slightly longer in the front than the back, creating an a-line bob. She looks older but that hasn't taken away from her beauty, it's helped it actually. I notice she's cut back on the amount of make up she use to wear and is now sticking to the natural beauty she always had.

"Since when did you get glasses? You always bragged about your perfect vision as a kid," she jokes while smiling widely at me and flicks at my rose gold Coach eyeglasses with curiosity.

"Oh I've had them for a couple years now. I guess bad vision finally caught up to me," I lie. She'll never know the real reason I had to get glasses. Heather rolls her eyes at me and shrugs as she takes the seat across from me.

"When your grandma came into the shop the other day saying you were coming home I thought she was losing it. It wasn't until I ran into your dad later on that he confirmed it. I'm so glad you're back, I've missed you so much," she smiles with tears forming in her eyes. I reach over and gently squeeze her hand.

"I've missed you too Hev. So tell me how things have been with you," I close my laptop and concentrate on my best friend.

"Oh so much has happened since we last talked. That was what about five years ago?" she looks up with her eyes, deep in thought.

The last time we talked was at my Papa's funeral and it was very brief. Just long enough for her and Maria to give me their condolences before I left. I didn't have time to ask them about anything going on in their lives. If I had, I'm sure I would've learned about Nate's kid. I try to remember if I saw a little boy with them at the time but I can't.

"Are you still with that guy you were with the last time we talked on the phone? What was his name? Trevor I think?" I ponder. The last time I actually talked to Heather was almost seven years ago. I was nearing the end of my sophomore year in college.

"Oh God no! He's way old news. He was just a college fling anyways," she shrugs it off with a laugh.

"Oh," I laugh back. Typical Heather, my non-committal, adventurous best friend.

"No, actually I'm dating Bryan Scott now," she grimaces at me, waiting for my reaction.

"Wait, Bucky Bryan!?" I nearly fall from my chair. Bryan Scott had massive front teeth back in grade school. He'd gotten the nickname then and it just stuck, even through high school when his teeth no longer looked that way.

"Yes and he's not bucktoothed anymore," she playfully shoves at my arm. I can't help my laughter and once we've both calmed down, I take a sip of my iced coffee.

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