XXXIX. Coming Around Full Circle

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A/N: Last chapter lovelies, aside from the epilogue and last bit of smut too. I hope you've enjoyed the story and the rework.
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XXXIX. Coming Around Full Circle



"Are you sure you'll be able to watch them for me tonight?" I ask Maria nervously as I hand her Sarah.

"Yes sweetie, now go spend some quality time with my son. You two haven't gotten any time to yourselves since Sarah was born," she smiles warmly while holding our three month old against her chest.

Sarah is getting really good at holding herself up now since I've been doing belly time with her a lot lately. It's adorable how she'll start smiling and giggling when I get on my belly down on the floor with her.

I love my baby girl so much.

Tonight is the first night I'll be spending away from her since she was born but tonight is a special night. I'd gotten the okay from my doctor yesterday at my nine week post-birth appointment to have sex.

Nate and I haven't had sex longer than that though. It's been closer to four months because near the end I kept having Braxton Hicks contractions and he was so scared that having sex would put me into labor sooner. Then after I had her and had the complication with my uterus, we had to wait the nine weeks to finally do anything.

"Okay just let me know or call me if it becomes too much. I packed enough breast milk but if that's not enough I can always bring by more. Oh my, is this a good idea? Is it too soon to leave her? Am I a bad mom?" I begin to ramble on but Maria gently puts her hand over my mouth with a smile.

"Calm down Bex, everything is fine. You're not a bad mother for leaving her with her grandmother. You're right next door, it's not like you're going across the world. Plus you and Nate need this. Intimate, quality time with one another and no children around is important for a marriage to work. I'm sure he's missing you too sweetie," she explains warmly and I begin to feel calmer.

I'm so nervous right now.

Once I'd gotten the okay I'd went straight to Maria's next door and asked her to watch the kids for me. I'm not worried about JD since he's use to staying at grandma's house but I'm finding myself getting anxious about leaving Sarah. But that's not the only thing I'm nervous about.

It's been four months since Nate and I have made love and it's been even longer than that since we have where I didn't have a swollen belly getting in the way. I'm nervous about getting intimate with him again.

Will he still want me? Will he still think I'm beautiful even though I've now got stretch marks on my hips from my growing belly during my pregnancy? Will he still want me down there since I've pushed a baby through it? I've heard of men not being attracted to their wives simply with that alone.

But Nate isn't like that. I know deep down I'm working myself up for nothing. I have to be—Nate loves me, regardless of how I look.

"You better get back to the house and ready before he gets home from work sweetie. We will all be fine here. Plus Heather will be here and she'll be excited to spend time with little Sarah," she smiles as she gives me one last hug and kiss before I leave.

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