XXXVIII. Welcoming Our Little Angel

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A/N: Awww ^_^ it's almost over lovelies!
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XXXVIII. Welcoming Our Little Angel


The moment my baby left the comfort of their mother's womb and into the cold world that was awaiting them to cry their first cry, will be something I'll never forget.

Even more than a first date, first kiss, first time having sex, even when I married the woman of my dreams finally after waiting over a decade. Nothing—and I mean nothing—compares to the emotions I was feeling when our baby was finally born.

As I look down at her in my arms, swaddled in her green blanket, I'm falling in love all over again. I softly kiss her head and run my finger over her little chubby cheek. She's absolutely beautiful and the perfect replica of my wife—who's currently curled up in our bed next to me asleep.

She'd just got done breastfeeding when I decided to take over. I know she's exhausted and needs the rest.

The delivery of our baby girl wasn't easy though.

Bex had gone into labor almost two weeks ahead of schedule and began to panic, thinking something was wrong but Doctor Adams assured us that everything was fine, that the baby was fine.

We didn't know what we were having ahead of time because Bex didn't want to know. She wanted it to be a surprise for everyone and boy was it.

After over twenty strenuous hours in labor, Bex finally pushed her out and she immediately started crying her first cries.

When Doctor Adams announced it was a girl, Bex cried with happiness. She said didn't care what the gender was but I know deep down she wanted a girl since we already had our boy JD.

Everything was perfect and fine with our baby but things went scary for a minute when Bex's blood pressure suddenly dropped and they had to rush her into surgery. I freaked out wondering what was going on and Doctor Adams informed me that Bex was hemorrhaging.

Apparently when they pulled the placenta out, it had snagged parts of her uterus as well. Luckily they were able to patch her up and thankfully it didn't do too much damage to her uterus.

When Bex woke up and they told her what happened she started crying assuming the worst—that she couldn't have anymore children.

Doctor Adams informed her that everything was fine and she'd be able to have plenty of babies still, just needed to wait a while to give her uterus time to heal. After Bex heard that she immediately calmed down and looked at me with relief.

Bex loves children and she wants a big family. I don't care either way, I just want her to be happy.

We had to stay in the hospital for a couple days so that they could keep an eye on her to make sure there was no more hemorrhaging. Once we got the clear and got to come home, all our loved ones came over and JD got to meet his little sister for the first time.

He was so nervous as he sat on the couch in my lap and Bex handed our baby girl to him. I helped him hold her in his arms and I could tell instantly that he was in love with her. I knew he was always going to look over her and protect her, like I did with my little sister. The way a big brother should be.

✓ [18+] A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHEREHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin