Chapter Sixty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Kido has a point", Xi Ze, standing a safe distance away on the other side of the room with Xiao Tian, added "And you also haven't had sex in a while because you're in love with someone you can't even talk to without another person's help, hence, you really are more violent than normal."

"What the f*ck are you saying?!", Xi Zi let go of both DiDi and Yi Fan and leapt up to attack Xi Ze, who screamed for his life.

"Xi Zi wait! Before you kill any of us, what the hell were you guys betting on this time???", DiDi asked them.

"That you and Yue are...", Xiao Tian, who managed to dodge Xi Zi's attack and was now standing near the bathroom, shrugged his shoulders as a sign, "... well you know man. You both went off towards the beach where we couldn't see you, just the two of you alone so – "

DiDi's vision darkened and moving like a hurricane, he gave all his friends a wallop directly to their foreheads for their audacity.

"SH*T!!!!!", Xi Zi, the wrestling god exclaimed.

"WANG HE DI YOU MOTHERF*CKER!", Yi Fan pronounced.

"THAT HURTS GODDAMMIT!!!", Xiao Tian complained.

"WHAT THE HELL!", Xi Ze declared.

They are toddlers, the lot of them, DiDi thought to himself, remembering that Yue and his sister are just in the next room and probably already wondering about all the racket.

He really hopes she wouldn't get turned off by their noise and think to herself that she could be entering into a relationship with a five-year-old.

He got reminded of her lips and knew he just might be as violent as Xi Zi if his friends' shenanigans cost him the chance to be with the beautiful writer.

"I'M GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER YOU IDIOTS!", he declared to the room and immediately ran towards the bathroom to lock himself in and prevent anyone else from following him inside.

The idiots' bet just made him more frustrated over his decision.

"You will respect her Wang He Di", he told himself, "You will wait for her. Even if you die from cold showers trying."


"Those idiots are probably drinking again", Zi Wei fumed as she stepped out of the shower, commenting on the ruckus coming from the room besides theirs.

Yue smiled as she blow-dried her hair. "Are they really like kids when they get together?"

Zi Wei sat on the bed, uncoiling the towel on her hair. "Yes. They can only really be themselves around each other that's why they become children whenever they see each other", she answered, "Because of who they are, they act differently around their own families. There's a certain set of expectations when you're inheriting not just money but your family's legacy. Di-Ge loves us and has a great relationship with our parents but he still isn't as carefree as he is around the guys in the next room."

She considered this answer. "I cannot imagine the kind of pressure all of them are always under."

"It really is hard to imagine", the Wang heiress stopped patting her hair dry and looked thoughtful, "Those guys, they have the weight of their family's reputations on their shoulders. They have to be polished, suave, perfection down to the very tips of their fingers. They have to be likeable and yet threatening enough that their competitors would cower before them. They have to be ruthless, cunning, discerning, and still maintain a good heart for the people they are surrounded with. They also have to think about the number of employees who rely on their intelligence and quick thinking to continue feeding their families. They live a life, wherein, their actions affect more than just themselves but up to a thousand or more other lives. It is not easy being any of those guys inside the next room."

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