Arc 1 chapter 7: A Disappointed Sensei.

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Zhang Fei was driving towards Xia Ruo's home to pick her up, after striking a partnership he and her and done a lot of things together in the public view to enforce the image of him and her dating and being in love. This not only improved her image but also helped her company by getting more and more opportunities. He had also introduced one of his company's young manager who was quite skillful to her who was helping her with her company and also their sinister plans. The guy was a capable person and Zhang Fei valued his skills in business management.

Zhang Fei didn't actually want to help the villainess but since he had started a partnership with her, it would be better if she was useful. And besides he had also benefitted from her, through Xia Ruo he had already ruined Xia Su's reputation to an extent. Her bad reputation didn't stay in college but also went over to the business world as well.

Some of the people in the business world were already talking about how she wasn't suited to be the head of the Xia Corporation and were turning against her and how Xia Ruo was more suited for it now that she had practically shown everyone that she could run a company and it could be successful. Even the higher-ups of the Xia Corporation were having second thoughts. Only the rumors and allegations might not have had such a big effect if Zhang Fei wasn't pulling the strings in the dark and influencing the decisions of some people.

"Coco I wanted to ask, is there a system shop?" Zhang wanted to know if such a thing existed, they did in most novels, if it did it would be useful for him to get some unique stuff, since Coco had talked about contribution points there was bound to be a system shop present.

Coco who was sitting on the side seat immediately said [yes host, there is a system shop present but you can't buy anything when on a mission that's why I hadn't mentioned it yet, things can only be bought with contribution points in the space, you know the white expanse where you were before, BUT there is an option for one withdrawal from the shop during the mission, afterwards you can't buy anything during the next 5 missions when you are in a world.]

Zhang Fei arched his brow and looked at Coco with an inquisitive gaze "why the one exception?" are these actual rules or is coco making them up?

[well sometimes hosts often get into tough situations and in order to improve their survival rates the higher ups decided to give them this one chance every 5 missions, but beware this is only for the first few worlds and this withdrawal also leads to higher difficulty worlds being chosen for you later on.]

Zhang Fei took a mental note not to use this withdraw to buy anything from the shop during his missions, it was not only to avoid higher difficulty worlds later on but also because this withdrawal could be a life saver during his missions depending on the situation.

Coco later on also explained to him how the things bought in the white expanse can later on be brought into the world by asking the system to take out of the space, he also explained the many things about the Realm Network which Coco had 'forgotten' about previously.

Zhang Fei stopped his car in front of majestic looking mansion waiting for Xia Ruo. After a While he saw Xia Ruo who wore a cute shirt with an adorable looking skirt who made her way towards the car. Xia Ruo didn't have any makeup on but still looked as stunning as ever and the most attracting thing about her were her beautiful eyes which one would love to gaze into.

But unfortunately the stone hearted Zhang Fei didn't have any reaction to this beauty and only nodded to her as she sat in the car. While driving towards the college Xia Ruo had a brilliant smile on her face and was constantly looking in Zhang Fei's Direction.

Zhang Fei finally had enough of her and said, "What?"

"So how was my plan?"

"Pathetic, 1/10, wouldn't use it in a million years." Zhang Fei ruthlessly told the truth to her, well you couldn't blame him, her plan was of photoshopping pictures of Mo wenzi with a woman to start a scandal. Zhang Fei looked at her with a look of disappointment, it was a look similar to when a teacher looks at his student who performed poorly in a class test.

After the 'date' at the S city Tower Xia Ruo and Zhang Fei had spent a lot of time together discussing their plans but it would also include lectures by Zhang Fei about scheming, counter-attacking, and the basics of 'being a sadist 101'. Zhang Fei also taught her about the many things to be aware of when scheming and being schemed against. Xia Ruo's when she heard about such things from Zhang Fei and would also apply them when dealing with Xia Su's daily schemes. So Xia Ruo went on to become more and more dark mind and would often give out ideas to try out, bad ideas to be exact.

"Ah come on, it's not that lame" actually it was lame even Coco had to begrudgingly take its host side because of how bad her plan was.

"Forget about that, have you prepared yourself for the college party that is going to be held next week"

As soon as Xia Ruo heard about the College Party she immediately had a dark look on her beautiful face, "Don't worry I know what I have to do."

"Good and don't screw up, oh I meant to ask, was my manager helpful in aiding you with your business?" Xia Ruo's expression once again changed but this time to one of anger.

"You mean that arrogant jerk, oh why that mean jerk is so arrogant I should beat his ass up......."

Xia Ruo started a rant, a rant that was so demeaning one would wonder just what kind of atrocity did the person mentioned commit. Zhang Fei looked suspiciously at Xia Ruo meanwhile Coco was excitedly jumping up and down, it was going to say something but Zhang Fei immediately shut his mouth by saying, "Nope, shut it, I don't want to hear about it." Much to the dismay of Zhang Fei her rant continued all the way to the college.

When the duo where passing through the college they were intimately holding hands and talking with each other lovingly and had expressions of love struck fools, everyone who watch them would sigh and wonder how wonderful it would be if they could experience something similar though the girls wanted to straight up murder Xia Ruo.

Zhang Fei Stopped right in front of the Class and said "Go on, I'll be back in a bit."

"Huh, oh ok sure" Xia Ruo went inside the room and sat down at her chair and then started chatting with the few people who were still nice to her in her previous life.

Zhang Fei turned around and walked away from the class, passed through the college grounds and went to a secluded garden area.

Zhang fei stood there and calmly said, "Come out so I can get this over with."

After some time a man walked out of the bushes and stood right in front of him, and this person was no other than Mo wenzi. 

Author's note: hey guys coco here again, I just wanted to say that this is my first try at writing and I have to edit everything myself as well so the chapters might be short but i'll still make sure to make each chapter enjoyable :)

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