Arc 1 chapter 15: The Cycle Of Karma.

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Luo finished talking with the foreign investors and by the way they smiled it seemed that the deal was successful. Luo then started casually talking with them for a while, having a few laughs now and then, making the investors loosen up to him, it could be seen that Luo was trying to foster a friendly relationship with the foreign investors by the simple act of just telling them where they should visit since they are in a new country and things to do to enjoy themselves in the country. In this way he could build a relationship with them which was not only based on the intent of only doing business. It was a very sly move since it could help him when making deals later on with the same group. After talking merrily for a while he bid them farewell and walked out of the restaurant.

He stopped right outside and then looked around and started walking away from the building while casting a few glances here and there every now and then. When he made sure that no was watching him he increased his pace and tried to hide his face with the collar of an overcoat, which he brazenly took from a bench when the owner wasn't watching. He made a few turns around the blocks and then entered a dark alley. There was already a man standing there, Luo went to meet up with him and started discussing things with him in low voices.

The man then nodded to him and then hastily made to leave the alley. Luo stood there having an eerie smile on his face with narrowed eyes. Just a bit more, a bit more and I can finally ruin xia ruo and join my beloved's side again. Luo then quietly laughed at how stupid Xia Ruo and that manager from the Zhang Corporation were, he was already an employee with some status inside Xia Ruo's company by the time she took over, she was okay but it was him who had real skill and he despised her management skills and how she took over the company without doing anything at all, it was just like the company came in a shiny wrapping and she could just have. He hated how he had to work so hard but still wasn't at a better position compared to hers.

That's when she met her, she was like a dazzling light in his life that could take away all the dark clouds from his life. Xia Su approached him with a smile that was breathtaking and talked about how her cruel sister had made her life difficult and still wanted to ruin her after she was abandoned by the Xia family, after hearing her story his heart ached for her and he decided to do everything he could to make her happy, even if it meant betraying the very hand that fed him. He decided to increase his efforts so that he could get close to Xia Ruo, and luckily his efforts were noticed by Xia Ruo and the young manager from the Zhang Corporation. Fools the both of them, couldn't even see that they were just helping a disaster come into their lives.

He loved Xia Su and would do everything for her, so when he heard about what had happened to her at the party, he had become mad from anger and wanted to tear Xia Ruo to pieces but rationality won over and he decided it was best to not waste his efforts. He could only console her when he heard her sobbing and her pitiful and weak voice that expressed that she was wronged, swearing that he would now definitely ruin Xia Ruo. Since she was so terrible he didn't mind taking away her company from her. After he became one of the senior executives he had made many preparations to make Xia Ruo lose the company, he had made these preparations right under the noses of Xia Ruo and the young company manager, and he was ready. He could take away everything from Xia Ruo and avenge his beloved. The man he was currently was talking with was one of his underling about the plans and its proceedings, Luo could just tell all of this with a call but he was cautious by nature, in order to avoid any problems he had to carry out this conversation and give orders through talking face to face so that there wouldn't be any unforeseen problems. When he thought about his diabolical and ingenious plans he had set to ruin Xia Ruo and avenge Xia Su a creepy and malevolent smile crept on his face and he started talking to himself in a voice filled with ill intent.

"My love just wait for me a bit and I will come back to you, and as for that Mo wenzi, hmph he is already in jail and I have been paying the right amount of bribes to get the case going on for as long as possible so he won't be getting in between us any time soon, and the only thing now left is to ruin Xia Ruo and take away everything from her, and it will all be over in an instant, hehehahahahAHAHAHAHAHAH-urgh!"

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