Arc 1 Chapter 2: Zhang Fei vs The World.

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Zhang Fei decided to change his image in the eyes of different people, since almost everyone didn't know how he really was around people then interacting with people won't be too bothersome. He then opened his door and went down to the dining table, he saw some servants but it looked like they didn't notice him, he looked behind and saw coco passing through the walls.

"You can pass through stuff?"

[Hmm, ah yes I can pass through anything if I want to and no one can see me but I can interact with them if I want to.]

Zhang Fei looked at coco and slightly frowned. Damn, I have to scrap my well thought out plans now.

Coco was happily floating around unaware that its host was glaring at him. Zhang Fei went downstairs and was looking around to find someone to get him something to eat when he heard an astonished voice "you-young master, is it you?" Zhang Fei looked at the source of the voice and saw a middle aged man wearing an astonished expression.

"no, I'm his long lost twin brother Zhang lei, I just recently found out so I came to find him."

"oh..." steward li seemed to have believed him being a twin brother rather than his young master actually coming out of his room.

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes "I was joking, of course I'm your young master, I just came out to eat, tell the chef to prepare the breakfast ."

"Yes young master right away". this man was steward li, he served his parents and now he served him. His younger self had good memories of him but after the original souls parents death, he became a recluse and stopped interacting with anyone, including steward li. Steward Li was a professional man after being a little stunned for a while he immediately went to work.

[Host there still 3 moths time before college begins, what are you going to do till then?]

Zhang Fei formed a slight smile, its was a dazzling smile but also had a small tinge of mischievousness "Of course I am going to go get my rightful place as the CEO of the Zhang Corporation". The previous Zhang fei came from a prestigious background and his parents left him the Zhang corporation so he could live his life pretty well, that is if he wasn't so incompetent.

After his breakfast he told his steward to prepare a car for him to go to the company and called his family's personal lawyer, he planned to make a stunning entry into the main building and tell the world that zhang fei is back. Although he had thought of a magnificent scene, but reality was truly cruel. His mansion only had a single car, a single car! And even that had flat tires, what the fuck?

[host maybe it's because 'young master fei' never went out of the mansion and all the goods required for personal use were delivered directly to the mansion, host why don't you walk all the way, it will be a good exercise.]

Ultimately Zhang Fei had to call a taxi to travel to the Zhang group's main building. During the drive Zhang Fei had a chilly expression and a gloomy aura while coco constantly moved around him to gloat at his miserableness. The cab driver looked at the passenger and shuddered when he saw his cold eyes thinking that he definitely should not try to strike a conversation with this young man.

Zhang Fei reached the building and met the lawyer on the way, he had already told the lawyer to bring the necessary documents for his taking over.

A beautiful and graceful woman at the front desk asked in a cute way "can I help you?"

"No". Zhang Fei ignored the woman and started making his way to the upper floors. Luckily the lawyer explained who he was otherwise the next thing happening was the security throwing Zhang fei out and him intimately kissing the floor. He made his way to the topmost floor and went towards the CEO's office, there was another cute woman sitting at a desk beside the door that asked in a soothing voice "do you have an appointment with Mr.Cheng?" the girl didn't look clearly at the Zhang Fei when he entered the top floor but now when he came closer she looked up and was instantly stunned and a bit flustered at how good looking he was. Zhang Fei stopped and looked at the young woman, his gazed stayed at her for a while which made the girl blush and she timidly looked at him. "No" after his reply he turned around and entered the CEO's office leaving the girl a bit confused. There sat Mr.Cheng , Zhang Fei's parent good old friend and coincidentally also the scumbag that made the previous Zhang Fei lose his position as heir so easily.

"Zhang Fei?"Cheng Sua looked at the young boy in front of him, he never had thought that he would leave his room that he so dearly loved.

Zhang Fei didn't say anything and glanced towards the lawyer, the lawyer made his way towards Cheng sua and handed him some papers. Cheng sua first looked at the lawyer then at Zhang Fei and then started looking through the papers and then started furrowing his brows. He asked in a slightly raised voice "what is this?"

Zhang Fei glanced at him and calmly said, "your resignations papers"

Cheng Sua what delirious, just what happened while he wasn't paying attention to this little shit, he thought this kid would probably live his entire life in his room. "what are you trying to do?"

Zhang Fei looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot, what do you think? did I just show you the papers to make paper planes out of them?

The lawyer calmly explained to Mr.Cheng politely in legal terms that he could pick up his stuff and get lost, and also legally told him that any fuss he made didn't matter because he Zhang Fei was already at an age where he could take over the corporation.

"You! How dare you do this to me, when haven't I treated you fairly?"

Zhang Fei glanced at Cheng Sua and calmly said "What? Did you personally raise me or did you gave me the money which I lived of, or the mansion, or the food, or the clothing? As far as I remember everything already belonged to me, left to me by my parents, and as for taking care of the company for so many years well my parents already treated you nicely and you probably have a fortune from being this corporations CEO, so I do dare to do this to you." and also you are a potential threat, even if you're an insignificant one.

[4/10, not enough face slapping.]


Cheng Sua didn't want to give up his position, he got it after working so hard to become the Zhang parents right hand man and after they unexpectedly died he was handed over the position because the little bastard was still young. He had to admit it felt good being the head of one of the seven major corporations in the country but unexpectedly this dream had come to an end because of a certain someone, but everything can be remedied only if that nuisance would go away only if...

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, even if you had the money and the backing, which you now currently don't anymore, (heh forgot to tell him I took all of his money too), you still wouldn't be able to do anything to me and if you tried I would definitely have proof and you would end up in jail, and I would make sure you stay there for the rest your life."

Cheng sua became dejected, when did this kid become so cunning and sly, he didn't want to admit but he ...he lost to this kid, he never made any preparations against him because he was never a he wanted to smack his past self on the head multiple times for his stupidity. After sitting on his chair for a while he stood up, glared at Zhang Fei and then at the innocent lawyer and left.

And after that the evil witch Cheng sua left the village and the little fairy Zhang Fei along with her little pet coco happily lived in the village and made it their base to tyrannize the world and eventually become the strongest cultivation expert in the world........wait........maybe I should sleep now.

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