Chapter 16: I'm on Your Side

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*Ren's POV* (warning next part includes some gore)

Slender stabbed the knife into Rin's leg. He let out an almost inhuman scream as Slender pulled the knife down his leg and ripped it out. Blood seeped out of the wound and on to the table. Suddenly something in me clicked, this was wrong! So so so wrong! Rin was my brother! My family! Slender brainwashed me, I remember... Hurting Rin and Ian I think his name was pulling me off and yelling at me about how Rin was my brother and that we should protect each other. I needed to protect him now. But on my own I was nothing against Slender, I know I could get Ian and I think her name was Mia. Rin's eyes were teary and his teeth were clenched in pain. Slender wasn't paying attention so I took this chance to sneak out. Hang on Rin. I silently sprint down to where I took Ian and Mia, luckily I still remembered and still had the key. Mia was still asleep and Ian was struggling trying to get free which wasn't doing him any good besides slicing up his wrists. I go over to Mia and take out her gag and gently shake her.

"Wake up." I whisper.

"Hey!" Ian yelled at me.

"Shut up." I told him.

Mia stirred and opened her eyes. She saw me and her eyes widened. I gently put my hand over her mouth.

"Shh shh. Don't scream. Slender doesn't know I'm here." I whispered.

"Then why are you here?" Ian growled.

"Why do you think? I'm here to help you and my brother." I hissed. "You were right, family protects family."

They both stared at me and I saw Mia's eyes unwiden and Ian's eyes soften. I untied Mia and fished for the key out of my pocket for Ian's shackles. Mia stands up and looks around.

"Where is Rin?" She asked.

"In trouble. Slender hurt him and I snapped out of being under his control or something." I replied letting Ian down.

Ian drops to the floor and lands on his feet and rubs his wrists. He still doesn't look very trusting of me but he's worried about Rin and that's all I need.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Ian said.

"You don't, but look in my eyes and ask that." I replied.

Ian and I locked eyes for a moment and through his scared, concerned and caring eyes I could see fierceness and determination. I could see why Slender was interested in him but what Slender wanted to do with him was unclear. Whatever it was it wasn't good so I'd have to get Rin out of there and get these two home.

"Come on." I said and walked out of the room.

Ian helped Mia on his back and followed. I led them to the room Rin was in silently. I remember earlier I stomped on Mia's ankle so she couldn't run away. I felt bad, I'll tell her sorry after we free Rin.

"Ok, slender doesn't know what I did so I'll give a signal and you two come in." I told them.

"What's the signal?" Mia asked.

"You'll know when you hear it." I replied and headed back in the room.

Slender had made another slash on Rin's leg and was starting on his arms. Blood pooled around Rin and was dripping off the table. Rin didn't have it in him to scream anymore. His face was tear stained and his teeth clenched tight. Almost all the color was drained from his face.

"H-h-help..." He stuttered.

I looked at Slender. "May I give it a shot?" I asked. I needed to pretend I was still with him. Slender nodded and instead of handing it to me he stabbed it into Rin's thigh.

Rin cried out in pain and something in me snapped. Rin might be the only family I have left. Our dad was M.I.A. Rose was dead, mom was past her sanity! Rin's all I got. And I'm not about to lose him. I let out a battle cry and charged Slender.


A/N: hey readers! I've been updating this story a lot lately. I think the reason is, this story is coming to a close very soon. I know it's sad but I've had a lot of fun writing it! And I think you guys are having a lot of fun reading it. At least I hope so. So yes I don't know how many more there will be but there will be more before I end it 😎 thank you doods all so much and I hope you enjoyed. Byyyye!


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