Chapter 14: No Escape

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Chapter 14: No Escape

*Ian's POV*

Going back upstairs would be suicide and we were all tired and on edge to the point that we wouldn't last very long. We needed a place to rest. Even just for a little while. Rin lead us as far away from the elevator as we could get into a small empty room at the end of the hall. I gently set Mia down in a corner and she gave me a smile and closed her eyes. Rin sat down in another corner and I shut the door and sat against the wall. Mia and Rin quickly fell asleep but I watched the door for awhile before drifting off.


A couple hours later I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"What...?" I mumbled.

I rub my eyes and my vision became clearer. Slender was behind Rin with tentacles wrapped around his mouth, throat, arms and torso and legs keeping him immobile. His eyes were wide with terror and I jumped to my feet.

"Rin!" I cry.

'I told you you'd see me again.' Slender's raspy voice filled the room. 'There is no escape.'

Something hit me in the back of the head and I fell forewords blacking out.


A/N: I know it's short but today there will be a second update because I haven't in awhile and I'm gonna be really busy now that I'm in basketball so there will be another chapter so read on 😄

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