Chapter 13: Sort of Escape

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*Ian's POV*
Well I had some bad news and good news, the bad news was Mia and I were trapped and Rin was on his own and Mia's ankle is hurt. The wrap I made should help it for now but we need to get out of here to get that checked out, in case it's worse then I think. The good news, I found Mia and she kissed my cheek! It was kinda out of nowhere but it's ok. She's resting now so I'm gonna try to get out us out of here. I walk over to the door and examine it. Heavy and metal so breaking it down was out of the question. I try twisting the handle, locked as I expected. I shine the flashlight on the key hole. Maybe I could break the lock by jamming something in the key hole. A small knife maybe, worth a shot. I walk over to the table of bloody tools and carefully look through them until I find a small blood knife. This should do the trick. I went back over by the door and shoved the knife into the key hole. It made clanking noises as I twisted and eventually heard the click of the lock breaking and the knife snapping leaving me with just the handle. Looks like it's last use was helping us get out of here.

I opened the door a coach and peeked down the hall. It's empty. Awesome. But the probably means they're looking for Rin. Or worse, they already found him. I shoved the thought out of my head of Rin being alone with all those... Things... We have to find him first. I open the door all the way and run over to Mia. Since her ankle is in bad shape and she can't run I'll carry her. I carefully pick her up and put her on my back. She stirs a little.

"Ian...?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Hang on, we're getting out of here and finding Rin." I replied gently.

I think she got the hint that I was carrying her and she gently wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. I stepped into the hall and jogged down it.


Eventually I reached the familiar hall ways where I was following Rin to find the generators. Only it was quiet. No shrieks or even footsteps. It was deathly quiet. I tiptoed around listening for anything. Suddenly I hear the scream of a familiar voice. Rin! I run down the hall towards the scream to a closed door. Mia was now awake and she squirmed a little.

"Set me down, Rin needs help." She said.

I carefully set her by the wall which she used for support while I kicked the door open revealing Rin standing alone with Slender and Ren. Slender with tentacles coming out of his back and Ren beside him looking ready to charge with that creepy grin.

"Rin!" I yelled.

He looked towards me his eyes wide with terror. The last generator was behind him and turned on which meant the elevator would work!

"Run Rin!" I yelled to him.

In the blink of an eye, Rin ran past Slender and his brother and I slammed the door shut, picked up Mia and ran after him. As we got closer to the elevator the ear piercing shrieks of the proxy rang through out the building. We all reached the elevator and Rin slammed the door shut as I pressed the button to go down. We were safe. For now. As the elevator reached the bottom and the doors opened we all stepped out. Rin looked deep in thought.

"Rin? You ok?" I asked.

"W-we need to find my dad... He knows how to stop Slender. Ren and I were stupid, we didn't mean too!" Rin cried.

Mia and I looked at each other.

"Rin, what do you mean?" Mia asked.

Rin sniffed. "My mom always told Ren and I stories about Slender and how he was trapped because of my dad. And that he could only be freed if we opened up where he was imprisoned. And that if we did he'd become angry. We were stupid and went to a haunted house that Slender was reportedly seen in the windows. Ren and I didn't believe and we started talking trash, now he's free and furious."

Mia and I looked at each other against we went over to Rin's side.

"We'll help you. We'll find your father and we'll put Slendy back in that house." Mia said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Rin looked up and he gave us a small nod and smile.

"Ok, so we're screwing these dumb tasks to find your dad, but where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know... After we thought he put slender away for good he disappeared."

"Hmm... We'll think of something. For know let's worry about surviving."

We all nod and lean against the walls. We were tired. But it wasn't over yet. Not even close.

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