Chapter 11: Warehouse of Horror

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*Ian's POV*

The warehouse looked a lot like the one in my dream. Fenced off by rusty barbed wire and a creaky gate to go through. We cautiously step inside and turn our flashlights on to the highest setting and looked around. it was dark but you could see things like walls and shelves so it wasn't just pitch blackness.

"Hey what's that?" Mia whispered.

Rin and I looked in her direction. There was an arrow pointing down at an elevator like contraption.

"We're going to have to go to the basement... Aren't we...?" I mutter as a high pitched shriek echoes throughout the building.

"Uh, yeah, go! Go!" Rin yells and we run to the elevator. Mia pushes the down button and the machine whirs and dies.

"Shit! No power! We're going to have to turn on the generators." Rin says.

"How many are there?!" Mia cries.

"5, but I think I know where they all are, come on." Rin said and ran down the hall.

I followed hot on his tail. Another ear piercing shriek made me run faster till I was only a few steps behind him. Rin made a sharp turn into a room and I almost slipped trying to follow him. The room was small and in one corner sat a generator next to some shelves and filing cabinets. I shut the door and leaned against it while Rin turned on the generator and rested his hands on his knees. I heard another scream but it didn't come from the same source. I jumped up.

"MIA!!!!!" Rin and I yelled.

I opened the door and looked down the halls. Mia was nowhere to be seen. No! I should've let her run in front of me! No! Why?! I put my head in my hands. I just wanted to scream when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rin with a look of determination on his face.

"I swear to you Ian, we'll find her. I will get both of you out of here alive I promise. No friend left behind.

I smiled a small smile. "W-we can do this." I stutter and stand. "We have four more generators. Lead the way."

Rin nods and heads down another corridor and I follow closely behind.


After a little while we'd found two other generators which meant we only had two more. Rin said we were getting close to another one but around here the air felt thick and it reeked of an unknown smell that made me gag. Rin turned into another room and I heard him make a sound between a gasp and a yelp. I ran in beside him and saw and smelt the reason. Across the room next to a generator was the mangled body of a little girl no more than the age of 6. she had light brown curly hair that was stuck together with dried blood. One eye was black while the other one was (even though it was glossed over) a bright green. She looked and smelt like she had been dead for at least over a week maybe more. I looked at Rin who was extremely pale, to the point he was either gonna throw up or pass out.

"Rin... You ok...?" I asked hesitantly.

He didn't answer. He put his hands on his head and looked like he was gonna rip his hair out and he fell to his knees and screamed.

"NOOOOOO!!! WHY?! WHY ROSE?!!!" He yelled burying his face in his hands.

I blinked at first confused but then the realization hit me like a truck. This was his little sister... My stomach sunk. I bent down by him and put a hand on his shoulder. Tears were streaming down his face. "Sh-sh-she was so young... So happy... Why?!" Rin's voice went from a whisper to a shout.

"I'm sorry Rin..." I said trying to comfort him. I didn't know how I could help him. So I crawled over to Rose and I closed her eyes. Next I crawled over to the generator and flipped it on. Which started as a whir but then turned to a gentle hum and I went back by Rin and well gave him a hug. This was a shock to him, and I wanted to help him the best that I could.

Rin sniffed and wiped his eyes which were red from crying. "Th-thanks Ian..."

"Any time..."

Rin and I stood up. Rin knew we had to find Mia and the last generator and he looked even more determined. I was about to tell him to lead the way when another ear piercing shriek rang throughout the room. Rin and I spun around to face the door and standing there is a woman wearing a white blood stained hoodie and sweatpants. She had black hair that was tucked in the hoodie and she had black soulless eyes. My heart skipped a beat and Rin froze up. This was a proxy, a worker of Slender. We need to run.

"Rin... We need to go..." I whisper but Rin doesn't respond. In fact he doesn't even blink, he just stands there frozen like a statue. He needs to snap out of it and soon.

*Rin's POV*

My insides felt like knots that were iced over. Rose was dead. My little sister. I said I would save them and I was too late... Now I'm staring at a proxy and something about it was familiar. I saw Ian's lips moving but I couldn't make out words. It was like everything was muffled and in slow motion. What was it about this proxy that froze my insides...? I just kept staring. Something seemed familiar but what? Wait... That hoodie! Black hair?! No! No! NOOOOO!!!!

*Ian's POV*

The proxy shrieked and lunged at Rin. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the way so the proxy lunged head first into a wall.

"Rin! Snap out of it!" I yelled and pinched his shoulder.

He yelped and stared at me. "What?!" He cried.

"We need to run!"


Rin took off down the hallway and I started to follow but something tackled me from behind, knocking the wind from my lungs. I rolled onto my back and was staring face to face with the proxy. I tried to throw her off but she had an iron grip around my throat, cutting off air.

"R-Rin..." I croaked. "H-help..."

My vision started to blur and I saw spots in the corners of my vision. Rin... Mia... Someone... Help... And everything went black.


A/N: hey readers! Happy trick or treat night! I figure since where I live it's trick or treat I'll update because you guys are awesome! Also! I have a lot of scarier stories and I was wondering would you guys like it if I wrote a sappy story? Just curios if you have ideas or don't want me to plz leave a comment so I know :) any way another chapter will be out in a few days! Stay awesome my readers and I hope you enjoyed! Byyye


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